Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Football Manager Bets [I'm Better off to a wonderland, alice]

loosening @ Vanilla

Lukia The thing is that no longer wants to be Lukia and is now called Miata.
'm Changing to a Better Place (?). If you still want to be my friend, add me back. If you do not, thanks for everything.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Savings Bond Interest Calculator Original Drabblethon

Because in this miserable world there is always a ray to expound creativity.

Prolexis Male Enhancing Formula I want to see many more crazy out there ...

I do not want to become crazy
I do not want to dress in red
I do not want to die in the world today.
I do not want to see you so sad and
I do not want to know what you did
I do not want this pain in my heart.

hear a bit of a drum between the desolation
In a radio in a deserted street
Are the doors locked and windows also
it be that our people are dead? I feel
to love in the era of color television is
the windows
All these people stop having
skin oil and not the whole world turns.

I do not want to get in trouble I do not want
burning issues
I just tell them it's a downer.
I do not want to sow anarchy
I do not want to live like I have something to say
give you in my heart.

hear a tango and a rock
And I feel that I am
And I see the world in celebration.
castrated and I see so many girls so many fools in the end
I do not know if their hard-living.
I want to see many more crazy out there
Dancing on any street in Buenos Aires

That is there is no time more
The joy &; Iacute; to not just Brazil.

I do not want to live paranoid
I do not want to see kids with hatred
I do not want to feel this depression
I am searching for the pleasure of being alive
I do not care if I'm a bandit
kicking trash in the alley

I do not want to become crazy
I do not want to dress in red
I do not want to die in the world today.
I do not want to see you so sad and
I do not want to know what you did
I do not want this pain in my heart.
I do not want to feel this pain in my heart.

I do not want to become crazy - Charly García
& do not know why; Eacute; am posting the lyrics of this song today, I just think it's time to resurrect my Journal, and as this is a song that I love ... Nor need reasons for all actions of the day.

I was reviewing the script of the play we're going to represent my class on Wednesday: La Dama Del Alba. I am increasingly nervous.

Another thing is my hair stood on puna is the year-end speech of the Student Center. I do not know what to say that speech, and therefore do not know what to say is true. May sow the anarquíay I painted green to grays Policy (Dream on, Carolina).

classes end on Friday. Big plans for the holidays (no concrete, unless there is an academy of espionage over here). Next year, last year, 5th year, the grand finale.
Tremble, Mother Superior.
Tremble, Madam Chancellor.
Tremble, Director of Studies.
Tremble, teachers (some).
I know what I mean. This threat

school, I retreat to rave a little more.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Southerncharm2 Crystal A year ago!

11/21/2008 (exactly one year): Queen + Paul Rodgers Velez
Throughout this year I have railed many times against Paul Rodgers. I did not like anything right, it really seemed out of place in Queen. However, when I learned that Queen + Paul Rodgers would come to Argentina, I almost began to mourn. Maso least three years ago that was obsessed with Queen, and all I wanted was to see Brian May and Taylor Rogar live. I begged my mom (really desperate) to let me go see them when they give their big concert. One afternoon, myDad went to Rosario to buy tickets, and not succeeded. Weeks later, without me knowing, he went again, and gave me back "pass to musical bliss absolute." That time itself I cried buckets. My sisters, who never understood my feelings for the Royalty of Rock, mocked, I did not care.
The day came, I left school, we started the trip, etc. The evening went so slow for me that day ... not to mention when we seek the way to the Velez stadium. On the map did not appear. We asked everyone, and always, always, siemrpe gave us a different direction. "No, it's the other side" was the phrase heard this afternoon, which caused me some state of despair. We crossed the city in five or six different directions. Was an hour before the concert and I panicked. I felt that we would not never come. But we, perhaps half hour before the concert.
remember little of the night (do not know why, all important events in my subconscious are immediately once passed) but I know it was great. I saw two of my idols play live, and so far that seemed absolutamente imposible.El best concert ever. A great end to an exciting day. A dream fulfilled.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Echo Trimmer Head 21560059 I want to be with you, give you my love ...

I've heard the new album version of La Oreja de Van Gogh, Our house on the left time (like to say I loved the title) of the song "Paris" ;. Of course it is something different from the voice of Leire to the interpretation, also does not have the background vocals to the first and best known version has. And I get impression that in some intervals re-used chords that were made to "why are you leaving," a duet with José Luis Perales. But that may be my paranoia.

Anyway, I liked the song, it is muchmore dramatic and melancholy. Also I like a lot of arrangements and the environment that gave. Dying to hear the whole album.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sildenafil Citrate Tablets And Body Building fallin 'in love whit u

It happens that I spent a lovely day at your side ... It happens that I have not stopped thinking about the past .... It happens that I remember every word spontaneous dedicated here next to my ear ... going to remember every hug. It happens that I am in love with you!
happens that I feel happy and a bit afraid to open my weakness ...
is so uncertain!
You ... It happens that that can happen is so uncertain that it scares me ... And I want to. It happens that I want to say that 'I love you' .. but .. What if I want?
happens that I'm in love ...
happens that I love! It's happening Something
wird ..! I'm falling whit you! I'm falling in love whitu! Falling in love

u! whit!

happens that I love you I love you ..!
happens that I spend so much on your side ..!
happens that ... happens that I feel so happy ...!
happens that I need to ask the time a little more time ...

so happens that suddenly, you're falling in love.

Iconictvstands.co.uk Tabletop Lcd Stands Christmas Meme "?

As is fashionable and now I'm aiming for gifts on other lists, then leave the mine if they want to make a Lukia happy. One

Make an entry (open, FOR, filtered ... whatever you better) in your LJ. The post should contain a list of 10 Christmas wishes. The wishes can be anything from something simple and fandom-related ("I would like an icon Ron / Hermione that is just for me."), Something in between ("I like the DVD of - - ") to something really big (" for Christmas I want a new car / computer / house / TV "," a trip to the Seychelles "...)... The most important quand you are safe or that they are the things you really want.
If what you are "real" things (no stories or icons), make sure to include some form of contact in your post, either home address or email where the Kings (or pages) can contact you. Two

Enter the f-list (or the f-lists of your f-list) to see if anyone has posted this entry. And most importantly:
If you see a wish you know you can give and have every intention, make that desire is met that person

The Magic List:

1 . I want a lemmon femmslash fic, fandom que to be.
2. I want a Nana Osaki / Takumi, god, I'm dying to read something o_o
3. I'd like to install a moodtheme written in my community (because I'm stupid and I can not).
4. I would like a mellow but Drabble RomeoxJuliet cheesy.
5. Ivan would love a fic / Yao-Hetalia-(from raiting whatever). Ó fanvideo, AMV, whatever that has to them both.
6. I would like a paid account xD
7. I've been wanting a header RomeoxJuliet almost since I did the LJ; _;
8. I want the new album that will make La Oreja de Van Gogh, I wish taaaaaaaaaaaaaanto; _;
9. I want an image editing program that is not virus.
10. I want world peace (?). Well, I agree with someone I take some fanfic / drawing / whatever its creation, is my dream.

Many thanks in advance, nyaa.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Blushing Surgery Belfast My name is Sadako ...

day 01 | a song
day 02 | day a picture
03 | to book / ebook / fanfic
day 04 | a site
day 05 | a youtube clip
day 06 | a quote
day 07 | whatever Tickle Your fancy

I loved. The meme of seven days I did in over a month. Anyway it was fun and made me realize that I am a incosntante (ah. .. but I knew that ...), the fact is that I want to share an anime / manga that caught my atencióny I started to see recently.

Kimi Ni Todoke manga does not seem pretentious or extraordinary, nor necessarily the bestshoujo. The anime is very clean and fluffy scenes If you should happen to get a smile. The story is simple, the characters to a point too, and although the relationships are so believable they are still the same cliches as usual. The same goes for the crush of Sawako and cool guy (forgot his name xD).

manga because I get bored if you already have some experience with the genre, the approach is predictable. Tambiény character history as well. Although I must admit that I liked much more than Bokura ga Ita (Nanami not stand) and I still see it just by Sawako. Ah, yes, Sawako iscool (says its icon).

Friday, October 16, 2009

Dental Hygiene Cover Letters It Was a tragic tale after all

day 01 | a song
day 02 | day a picture
03 | to book / ebook / fanfic
day 04 | a site
day 05 | a youtube clip
day 06 | a quote
day 07 | Tickle Your Fancy

"When my voice street with death, my heart will continue to speak."
R. Tagore.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Michael Carricarte Jr. Whisper Pixie

blinkies If you like free (and very cute), then join [info] pixie_whisper , a community attached to [info] Pinacothèque . I know I'm a zero, but if you do, please comment here you were referred by me and do Lukia happy. Although she knows not nearly win:)

But see the love you have given me by lately blinkies.

PD: LOVE my new layout. But really, I love it.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Butalbital, Acetaminophen Caffe Info Almost lovers always do.

day 01 | a song
day 02 | day a picture
03 | to book / ebook / fanfic
day 04 | a site
day 05 | a youtube clip
day 06 | a quote
day 07 | whatever Tickle Your Fancy

Almost lover, A Fine Frenzy

Wandering outside the LJ I found this song and I loved it. Because it explores a kind of misery with the birthright of all, a rotting because I always love the wrong person.

" Goodbye, my Almost Lover
Goodbye, my hopeless dream I'm trying
Not to think about you Can not you just
let me be?

So long, my luckless romancee
Turned My back is on you
I Should've Known you'd bring me heartache Almost lovers always do

Friday, October 2, 2009

Apap 325/butalbital 50/caff There's hope for the hopeless

day 01 | a song
day 02 | a picture
day 03 | a book / ebook / fanfic
day 04 | a site
day 05 | a youtube clip
day 06 | a quote
day 07 | Tickle Your Fancy

[info] Pinacothèque

is a community of icons, contests graphics (and lately blinkies-look and melts his-) and a lot of things. It is beautiful, of the few communities in English & Graphicsamp; about girls, ol / English.

is members-only but it will be worth joining.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Stream Newest Southpark Online Free [One-Shot] Prisoner of Love º º

Title: Prisoner of Love
Fandom: KAT-TUN.
Couples Marudo.
Gender: Ang, romance. Fanfiction
Rating: PG-17
Summary: Ueda believed that he could not suffer anymore.
Note (s) from the Author: This is the brother Shot "Distance " created by Tawsuna. Born of a game 1 month, and is so disgustingly sad ... I do not think
apologize xD Disclaimer: no mine Kat-tun, even more so, if their lives within the fic.

Prisoner of Love


- Are you sure this is what you want?

- Yes

How likely it was that this was a bad dream? Few, very few.
I saw him looking down and frowning brow dramatically.

"You're lying ... it shows.
"No, you're wrong this time
Tatsuya ... I'm telling the truth.
eyes went up posarlos in mine, and truth in them I burned as red-hot needles.
could not be true.
sighed defeated by the situation & oacute; ny turned away.

"Do not go .- I asked as I felt like I really pounded the brain, stunning.
"No need to stay, we have nothing more to discuss.
- Will not you give me a reason?
"I thought you had given.
- I mean a reason to believe ... I know you're lying .- I heard him snort.
- Goodbye Tatsuya. Even

turned to speak, I continued to deny his face and started walking. I wish I could take it from the back of his jacket, hanging from his waist, or ponermea scream as long as it stops, but my body would not move, even though I ordered it.
The edges of my peripheral vision began to get black, and cloud. His silhouette up a spot became uniform. I felt a sharp pain in the knees when I fell over them, but I ignored it, did not compare to the pain I was feeling in the heart at that moment, a pain so I could imagine tearing my vital body hanging in shreds and inert valves that held him.
I closed my eyes tightly, realizing that he could not o & iacute; r his footsteps, I could not smell her perfume, could not feel his presence.

- Yuichi ... - I like a dirty word, making the sound bitter by rumbling inside my brain.

2 years after

was not like me invading alien space without the consent of the person, but Jin did not think that bothered him.
I went into the locker room of the gym, owned by the city court.
My friend, Akanishi Jin, was a professional football player. Was very good indeed! In the last year I hab & iacute; to be aware that his team had risen, and I dropped to say hello. Just waiting to receive me without asking too many questions ... I do not think he could answer none.
I walked through the halls, and a deafening laughter made me stop me, one of which was that of Jin. I peered at the curve that was on my left and I met several guys who were joking wrapped in towels.

- Oh. Who are you? - One of them asked after noticing my presence.
- Tat-chan? - My friend up from the bench where he sat with his eyes wide. Do not blame him for 2 years ...that not even a phone.
- Hi - my particular smile accompanied my greeting, spreading it, making it too me smile.
- I can not believe it!

came to me with arms outstretched and a look of happiness I had never seen in him. She hugged me closely, and I could feel the shock that caused him my arrival.
He asked me to wait a few minutes as I finished changing and so were going to take something out there.
I waited at the door of the clubhouse while watching the sky.
had returned to one of thenicest summers hauling Japan, though, of course, I had missed the previous two.
Jin left the club with a dress and handbag. I could not help but notice that everything he wore was most excellent marks to the handbag.

- You is going very well? - Asked fearing sound rude. He smiled carefree.
- No detail escapes you. Huh? - Pulled back hair and for the first time I looked inquiringly.

I was afraid ... I knew that questions would sprout a second now ... do not know what to do to divert your attention to securcute, n.

- How are the others? - Threw up the question with some stuttering.

I was amazed at how quickly emotions passed over his face. First a pinch of horror crossed his face, disengaging the act of concentration that I was spending, adjusting inquiry into his brain. Then, a deep pain ran through the corner of his lips meeting your eyes, and that feeling lasted a second longer than the last. And finally, reassembled with a hint of guilt his polite interest in me.

- they're fine. Changed a lot in these 2 a & amp; about girls, you you were not Tat-chan .- I said with a calm voice, though I noticed some skepticism on it.
- Yes? But, for better or for worse?
- only changed in any way special.

placating a time I concentrated my desire to dig more because he sensed that I was hiding something in June. He frowned a bit
breast. That gesture had started to make me hate someone did not stand that.

- What? - Asked annoying.
- Noto ... that you too have changed.
- You think? - Though I sat í to perfectly.
- Yes, of course. By the way I look, I would say that no detail escapes you what I think. When did you become so insightful?

I laughed to myself. Of course he had developed that gift. But to think why and how I made the blood freeze, a feeling that, over time, had been controlled, if not I had left since. I shook my head imperceptibly
that Jin would not notice, removing the memory from my mind.

- You have a penetrating gaze, is no longer the dreamer before .- said my friend, tray & eacute; ndome to reality and the present.
- May be ... - was all he said.

walked a little further in silence. Brain could hear the guy next to me which of accommodating all was the most urgent questions in undress.

- Let's go here .- interrupted his thoughts.
- Agreed. Oh, maybe something we stop for a moment .- I said, blushing slightly.

but did not realize until both were in the center of that cafe.
The whispers came on all at the same time as if someone had turned on the radio and had left with the minimum volume. CHTMLThen XC teenage girls stood from his chair and came towards us hesitant.

- Etto ... Akanishi-san? - Started one. I noticed he was gathering all the value it had in the body to speak .- Could you ...? - And came up a notebook pequeñoy a pen.

"Oh" was all I thought. Of course ... Jin had become a star player. But I could not stop to amaze me.
After that, more girls took courage and approached him.
I walked away laughing and sat at one table aeSpero.
She looked distressed, but could not wipe the smile that framed her lips. He loved all that was most visible.
After a while, apologized to his audience and came up to me to sit in front.

- Does this happen often? - Asked as a waitress coming towards us.
- Uhm ... pretty.

The employee did not stop looking at it with a smile and a wonderful face all the while he had the letter in his hand. Was to brazen his way of behaving, but I thought this kind of attitude fit well with my friend.
requested by the two and returned the letter gui & ntilde; Andol an eye. That was very pleased with the waitress.

talked a little bit of fame and how was his life now, so different as I remembered.

- Before we were immature .- .- said we were interested only go out and have fun, Kame and I lived only for Saturday night. The only thing he longed for in life was to pass all my exams in order to have a holiday free of teachers. It was more than an immature, was an idiot .- laughed at himself, and laughter came to me.
- How is Kame? Do you keep in touch with him? - I said without thinking... And then I regretted having asked the question. It was dangerous to get into the subject of others, dangerous to me.
- Yes Well, maso less. With my type of work is hard to find with time. You came right after a tournament, so it is the season of "rest" .- I understood his sarcasm and actually never stopped practicing .- But when we both have time we get together, and sometimes we & hellip , provided that the other day did not have party .- twisted mouth, down in truth they never really have much time .- Well, that's the job.
- Y ho you are unemployed? Sorry I came without warning.
- Do not worry, I have only to go to ... Uhm ... do not worry, I just have a site wrath, but I will not take.
- I see ...

His face had become very tense, but I did not press him to talk.

- What makes Kame? - I could not help it. I was prepared to suppress any questions about them ... but, with Jin in front of me and so inclined to tell what he knew ... I could not against my genius.
- Prepare for the "Star" .- and his smile broadened as I thoughtwill leave his face.

Is preparing for the All-Star? ... had to be kidding.
saw my expression and it started to laugh.

- It's no joke, it's true ... came into the majors for 6 months, and his team has been appointed to compete.

I looked at him, aware that my face must have been of pure bewilderment.

- Are you serious?! - Jin shouted and laughed.
- Sure! Do you come with your eyes closed? There are posters all over his face makes the ads para "Weider-in Jelly."
- Really? - I was surprised by my level of autism. Yes he had walked the streets ... but could not remember any poster.
- Go Tat-chan ... there mine took me to make commercials Russ-k.
- anyone say I should have noticed that ...

My friend returned to his eyebrows together. As even doing that I would get an attack of hysteria.

- What? - The shortcut.
- Well, I can not worry ... Tatsuya ... Where have you been?

thanked thesound of my heart were a sound foreign to others, as it had been shot like a hummingbird. I gasped. Lying
had to lie, lie blatantly lie and it was now. But the sudden acceleration of my pulse and not let me KO was a lie that sounded rhetorically coherent. Jin
noticed I was taking time to respond, and was startled when to lift my eyes filled with tears found.

- What Tat-chan?

not answered, not finding what to say, and because I could not open his mouth. CHTMLI felt as heat XC crowded in my face, which contrasted with my cold tears to spill down my cheeks. Jin
took my hand, which was closer to him. But let go at once to remember that he was surrounded by fans. "Pathetic" I did think about my hazy mind.
I got up and felt the hot face, burning eyes, cold heart, and nausea in the stomach.
spent like a fireball in front of the waitress finally brought our order.
cursed when I heard the footsteps of my friend behind m & iacute;.
I kept walking until the tears I rattled the vision. I felt
Jin's hand on my shoulder, turning slowly.
I waited for a new question, but instead embraced me.
Instead of calming my sobs, made it worse, is that in the bottom of my heart I knew his arms were not the ones I needed. Not needed him, not queríaa him or wanted him consolation.

- Let .- I heard he said, but the sound felt like it was passing over a very long time.
- No.
- Tatsuya, come with me.

When I opened my eyes a taxi parked winged ours.

was impossible, this image could not be true after 2 full years of denying me my life and my self. But it appeared that they had cleared enough my past memories, and Jin's room was so like the time we went to high school, that I shrank the stressed shell , n.
I just do not fit into the picture was a crown of flowers was great, and snow-white flowers, but could not say what kind of flowers. I caught a chill, like a funeral arrangement.
Mi friend came back from the kitchen with a large glass of water. I figured I was afraid of both mourn dehydrated ... or was it a sports setting, I did not care.
not accepted when I handed it to me, and knitting for the third time Miss, which made my breathing is agitated for a moment, it rested on the small table that had the center of habitacióny sat beside me.
lost count of the seconds spent looking at me when I counted more than three minutes. I closed my eyes momentarily
puffing furiously.

- You do berRangers you want ... but you will not go until we talk. Tatsuya I'm no fool, do not think I realized early on that were fleeing the subject.
- What are those flowers? - Asked weird.
- There is nothing ... a gift .- he said looking down a bit.
- seem funeral ...
- I do not change the subject Tatsuya!

I refused to talk about it ... I knew if I played the theme bleed to death, a crack open my chest, and memories I rip off the heart root. There was, or wanted, to walk past ... all I REFER í aa long, he was sick that my senses, I was lost in a sea of silence instantly lose sanity.

Jin leaned his elbow on the table and watched me more closely. He would not give up, you know.

- married .- Junno suddenly let go. I

hint of interest, but it would not fall into their game. I shrugged.

- With his girlfriend of a lifetime, do you remember? That skinny girl 2 º C, Mika.

remembered it was a simple and friendly girl, very typical for Junno. But I did not gesture at all.

- It was a great weddingthe room was great, and the food is really spent.

Again I ignore it and placed my view on the posters in his room, remained the same as 10 years ago ...
He followed the line of my and smiled.

- Some children, right? I do not get rid of them by pure melancholy.

I wondered how my room ... for sure my parents had been evicted, totally sure that would not return.
Jin returned to the task of observing.

- Koki, currently, nor is in the country .- .- He said fun to head up the idea of traveling.

Contrary to my intentions, I turned my head in amazement. Jin
more his smile broadened.

- I phoned a week ago, maso less, and said he was in New York, it's going great.

I raised an eyebrow. Married Junno, Koki travel baseball star Kame, Jin football hero, and ...
Again I felt a twinge, like a good punch right in the middle of the stomach. I hugged my legs and hid her head in my lap. WithSo Jin ruled out any other possibility, and he had no doubt where they came by my reactions. That clever way of making inferences.

- Tat-chan ... - called me .- When you hear?

Your question puzzled me, but not enough to sacase my face between her legs.
"Heard? What?

- I know it was the best we could have done was something very stupid.

my friend's words were just getting more confused. And I do not want to think, I did not think he could not permitírmelo, would be the end of my sanity.
chuckled. I could not see his expression, so I did not know what kind of feeling attributed the gesture.
There was silence ... and although I flayed for not biting your hook, the uncertainty was eating my nervous system.
picked up a rare sight at the boy and I was petrified. Cried.
understood then that the crack had been to himself, in way of reproach.

- Why are you crying? - My voice was rough so attached to my throat I had it.

My friend looked at me could not believe it. The exasperation in her eyes whipping my face, clearing the mind momentarily.
be reassembled quickly wiping away tears. When I looked back a sparkle in his eyes told me he had noticed something.

- Listen, I need you to tell me what happened that day. What you just said.

I cringed and felt dizzy when my pulse is fired again.
No. Oh, no. No, no. I did not want to remember ...
But the strength of my pain was not strong enough to aplacquering the impending recall.


I came for an extraordinarily early faculty, that made me very happy, I liked it when improvising something.
was standing, leaning on a lamppost. Still had that aura dark haunted him for weeks, did not remember well the day the darkness she had come to his eyes as well.

I went to him so radiant with joy, which contrasted with his face off.

took me softer than ever from the waist when I was around his neck, and he said more dam kissingility and softness than mine, hungry for it. I wondered why he was so careful.
He smiled with his mouth, but the gesture did not come to your eyes. Then I took her hand and started walking.

- What are we doing today? - I asked excitedly.
- Whatever you want, today everything is at your choice .- I said. I felt fatigue in his voice.
- Really? - The simple fact that I had the choice of what we would open up the imagination.

I looked at the peace embodied in the face and I caught securcute;, calming my fears to take every minute of the day.
He bent slightly to kiss her forehead, a shiver ran down my body, had ice cream.
I bit my lower lip in token of my apremiación. And had asked repeatedly if anything happened, and he always drew importance to the matter with his usual sweetness cortesíay ... going to make it go crazy.
I decided I wanted to spend the whole day at an amusement park, was so sudden whim, I thought Yuichi would be denied, but gladly accepted, though of course he will not put & iacuteand, to a foot on the roller coaster.

Honestly, the day passed too quickly. Yucci had not been away from me one iota, nor let go of my hand, and seemed reluctant to leave the park when I asked if it was boring.
meditating I discovered many times, his earnestness intrigued me and I was afraid, he used to do those things ... and if did, tried to share their thoughts with me.

The sun was down when I finally get tired of walking through the park. And way out the door I could not resist, especially when I noticed that I PresTabto care, something very unlike him.

- Yucci .- I called for me to attend.
- What? - Said turning his face to me, pretending, and very pathetic, a carefree smile.
- I can ask you something? And you must be 100% honest with me.

looked forward for a moment, then whispered.

- I'll try.

That was bad, he had never said "I'll try."
I have closed the stomach.

- Yucci What's happening? ... And do not say "anything & rdquoo;.

sighed, and the decision was reflected in her eyes.

- I was thinking a lot lately ...
- Yes, I noticed.
- Tatsuya ...

He stopped a few meters outside the park and looked at me frowning.
It looked somewhat angry, but did not understand why he did not remember doing anything that might make him angry.

- We ... no, I'm not quite sure what we are doing .- said slowly, softly.
- I do not understand, what do you mean?
- I think ... we're wearing ...

That made no sense, a month ago, she still had not reached that black aura, we were having our best time, we leave to spend the days together, and having fun as a kind of partner happy. His words had no consistency, I loved him more than ever.

- I do not agree with you Yucci .- I spoke.
- Tatsuya, I said it was reciprocal, the problem is me.

I felt a lump in my throat ... Why his words sounded to me ...?

- Me ... you're leaving? - Hinted in a choked voice, although I slipped a note of grace, because it sounded stupidoe unlikely.
- Yeah ... - I thought his sentence for approval to drop the ax of the guillotine on me. It was a death sentence.
- What? Do not play with that ... not funny.

He ran a hand through his disheveled hair.

- I'm not playing Tatsuya. We must part.

I refused to accept that, not without a good explanation.

- Why? - Demanded.
- Ya ... no ... no I love you.

While we were surrounded by people and noise, I suddenly felt totally alone, and a Silentio flooded the atmosphere.
He was still frowning, still seemed angry.

- Are you serious?
- Yes
- But ... how ...? Did I do something wrong?

shook his head as let go of my hand.
No. I did not like that ...

- So, tell me a reason that made you stop loving me.
- There is ... no other person.

lied, Nakamaru never been good lying.

- Does anyone else? That's not true, you know.
- Tatsuya, no longer get my words right .- I am rebuked &p; oacute; .- I'm telling the truth.

But it was not my fault, I was in my body refute anything said Yuichi after hurt, it did not seem possible that kind of intention on their part.

- Are you sure this is what you want?


While memories were crowding one after the other, I told the story whispered Jin as requested.

At the end, my mind was about to break, but I forced myself to stay a moment longer in the sanity to watch my friend.
is room í of clutching his head in his hands, and ruffled hair.
I felt numb, as if remembering what happened I would have stayed the senses.

- We have to go somewhere .- said suddenly. And my mental state was not right to get to discuss anything.

All I could do is see how he took the carefully arranging flowers, came up to me and pulled me by the wrist.

When we left his house was totally dark. Halted another taxi and forced me to go, fate did not even listen when I told the driver. Jin
seemed very nervous, anxious glances threw me constantly ... I guess I was hoping que to collapse, or sudden thought my peace was a stupid facade that would break at any time. But the truth was that there was no facade, I was in limbo ... but I was sure it would not last for much longer.
The taxi stopped in front of a white wall, or so it was all my brain caught.
I drove down and held my wrist while walking on the sidewalk.
did not notice where we were until I saw an object of marble that I sparked curiosity. A cross.
I looked around and saw it was full of those crosses, marbleand had also granite.
As I crawled around the place, saw thousands of chapels, whose interior was dark.
I had been there before ...
Jin turned a corner and the chapels were left behind, followed by a whole row of ... ... tombstones?
large eyes opened when he finally fell where we were. Why
had brought me to a cemetery?

I released her wrist and walked alone. I was standing where I left off. I had my surprisecho react. I looked at my trembling hands and found out why shaking? A cold wind ruffled my hair.
I looked at my friend with the look, and later saw him putting the field on one of the tombstones. I beckoned, so I went to him.
was stiff as a statue, the moon reflecting its light on his pale complexion and white shirt, making it shine, almost like a ghost.

- Who let the industry? - Asked. Like any response

said the stone was in front of us.
was white, made of granite bright, and very new, had a year at most.
I was surprised that Jin had found a place to put the wreath, as it was filled with floral motifs, as if every soul in Japan had come to leave a gift.
I bent her winged to see the writing.

"Cruel" ... that was the only word that crossed my brain when I read the contents of the plate. Jin was the most cruel in this world, that there was no doubt.
unnerves me and looked upset.
cried. My anger evaporated
& hellip; then there was ... Was this for real?
I looked back the stone.
No ... of course not ... of course not.
Yuichi Nakamaru said I knew it, but ...

Jin placed a hand on my shoulder, but there was no body to comfort, no soul that contain ... I had left the cemetery .

not remember how, but again we were in his room.
not remember having changed, and I jumped into his bed. I assume that was the grace of Jin. I do not know
& ea qucute, when I began to mourn, perhaps I was crying when we left the cemetery, but I realized just now noticing it was the pillow soaked from my friend. He was on his side, and I could see me sitting in a winged chair. It seemed a visit to a patient in a hospital. Be
unconsciously thought I knew it ... but the pain did not reach my body because my brain and my soul were not there ... I was not aware. Was broken, so broken, do not even perceive what was happening around me ... I was going crazy.
There were pieces of me that together, because I hadhas lost all ... each and every one of them.
I fell asleep without even noticing.

When I awoke, Jin was sleeping next to me.
I turned to get in front of Ele, inevitably, I started to mourn once again. This time, had recovered my senses, my soul had found its way back to my body and my brain began again leaving the picture very clear, so clear and simple as devastating.
I hugged her torso, not fall to pieces again.
He awoke with a start something, but then I returned the hug stroking theback.

- How? - I forced myself to say between sobs.
- I had a terminal illness ... I knew a month before you were.

seizure Despite the pain that was ravaging my chest, I made an effort to think and remember.

The black aura ... his face constantly worried.
remembered her frowning in anger ... and then I understood ...
Anger was to himself, by their actions, their lies, the pain that I produce.
all made sense.

- I lied to protect, so that you odiases ... but now I see youyou can not hate him.
- I went ... I went because I thought that was what he wanted ... and I could not say goodbye ... ...
- I know, it was not his best decision ...
- Was it yesterday? - And his breath let me know that entendíaa what I meant.
- Yes .. 1 year was fulfilled exactly.

A year ... a year ago he was dead.

- I left something, something he thought would give you a day after his death, but you did not come back until today. I let

and went to the dresser drawer where he had a little box. Took out a folded piece of paper and handed it to me.

- I'll give you privacy .- I said, and left the room.

My hands were shaking so much I thought it would break the blade. Deep breath and held back tears.


I am writing this letter as a last resort to be honest.
I have no forgiveness or sympathy that I deserve these had; Ndome now.

I'm leaving so abruptly that so selfish, it would be enough for me odiases, for you hate every cell of my body.

But I was wrong.
You left, you left us to go to take your pain elsewhere, to drown your past elsewhere, to erase from your memory the moment I broke your corazóny raped your sanity, leaving you with a glimmer of hope, happiness.
I saw a few days before your departure. I could not recognize ... I could not find in you the Tatsuya I knew I could not see your smile, your eyes bright, your presence so happy and pure... And I understood that he had shattered MI Tat-chan, I had sudo.
I can not continue to explain in words how much I hated myself ... and when I tried to remedy my mistake, it was too late. You were gone.
You left, leaving the unconscious last memory of my actions, my bad decisions, and the mental picture of a person I knew it was you, but which, however, was not ... sorry as having corrupted all your soul.
write this in hopes you can read it soon because I can not stand my life knowing that your alter ego, MI Tat-chan, is trapped within this new being.
I can only tell you the truth at all, is the least you deserve.
I love you, I love you now, I loved you before and there'll still love you wherever you go. I'm not afraid of death, just something that should happen and we can not escape.
I leave with the certainty that I will find the other side, and so we meet again, and be the Tatsuya always loved, which had not hurt and the happiness that exuded every pore of his body.
And that's the image I'll definitely when I close my eyes ... your happy smile, which I have devoted every day of our relationship. CHT
MLXC Eternally yours.

Yuichi "

I dropped the paper to one side when I could no longer withstand the shocks of tears.
mentally cursed the gods for letting me know that taken away, for doing away from me this way.
But Yucci was right with what he said his letter, he was eternally mine, and I was waiting on the other side ... I expected and I had no strength to be separated from him. Ext

rañamente, the new perspective of ideals I cleared my mind completely. I took the sheet and folded it carefully, to put it in my jean pocket


escaped Jin's room through her window, she could not waste time, and I knew if I looked into his eyes courage is going to dilute knew I knew what to do ... ; to that neighborhood and knew of the existence of a deep and fast ríoa little there.

My mind went back to give me sanity when I was standingover the railing of the bridge that was on the holy river in precarious balance.
It did not matter ... I could live with the idea that he was alive and happy, with someone else, but ultimately happy. But I could not live, not after knowing that it was all a lie and that he loved me. And would not live another minute without it.
and impregnated with security in the face, knowing he would be waiting for me wherever it was, I jumped.

And in the micro-second-long impact of water against my face, I saw it.

Smiling, offering his arms and telling me not's name. Do not hesitate, and went straight to it, as the water entered my airways, making it impossible to breathe, but willingly embraced death, which I transportaríaa the Yuichi arms, and I never volveríaa away from it.


not think I was easy, it took me more than it seems; ___ ;
I, Taw, quye broke one of the rules, but still no ... I speak of love not corresponddo. Well, never specify what kind of unrequited love ... if unrequited love for another person or unrequited love for another reason the destination
xD I hope I have broken the rule too = /

Anyway, hope you like it n_n Well, everyone else you XD ia

Comment or die> 8D

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Nightform Infant Positioner Materials Share Week Meme (x2)

day 01 | a song
day 02 | a picture
day 03 | a book / ebook / fanfic
day 04 | a site
day 05 | a youtube clip
day 06 | a quote
Day 07 | Tickle Your Fancy
I have two days together. Anyway, I love to spam your Friends Page:)

The picture
Carl and Diva from Blood +.
Is not it beautiful? I always thought that Carl would have great potential anime, but Diva did not give the love he needed. Because, well, how could Diva dar love if time had no meaning for her? And looking for it, Carl was and fell in love with another queen without personality. Who incidentally gave no love but the need became obsecióny he did not die as he deserved.
The Carl itself that brings out their potential and love.

The book / e-book / fanfic

For this occasion, would Alice Through the Looking Glass .

we painted Disney "Alice in Wonderland" but we aclar & oacute; which was an adaptation rather "Through the Looking Glass." Once you read the original book by Lewis Carroll, you become aware that the true story of Alice in the country is far from the film. Ergo, the book is better. And if he had simply put it was the chess move Alice to relayed the mirror because maybe they had been forgiven.

I especially like "Through the Looking Glass." It has a strange pun, use of logic is far from being conventional, and characters that are especially strange and unique. Not everyone likes, of course, but I think youJan little gloomy, mysterious. Alicia is a mere observer of all these events that happen with no logic, apparently. I enjoyed being stuck in this nonsense and finally, tired cry "Well ... What the hell was that?"

is a book recommended, but if you're not a big fan of everything over which we pass without n apparent, it may be tired.

That's it for today, f-list =)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Crazy Bathroom Designs Share Meme Week

Because I Have Nothing else to do. stolen [info] kisachanlove =) I loved this meme.

day 01 | a song
day 02 | day a picture
03 | to book / ebook / fanfic
day 04 | a site
day 05 | a youtube clip
day 06 | a quote
day 07 | Tickle Your Fancy
Day 01 . In God's Hands, by Nelly Furtado.

+ As I understand it, the song talks about a couple who did not put anything in empeñoy withered. And they had something nice, but let him go. Trite and repetitive emotion, whatI know, but tell me how it seems overwhelming. Their love has flown out the window, he's gone by the back door, and float in the sky back in the hands of God, is llegador. Or am very cheesy.

The chorus is the best part. She says her love back into the hands of God, where it started. I do not know, I remember something, but the first time I heard it seemed to me sublime. So this is it. ( Note: This version is a duet with Keith Urban, because the original video could not put it ).

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Specification For Manitou 2150 2003 [Nikki] Otanjoubu omedetou ~ Yuichi

me want to wander into this wonderful day ... Nakamaru

was born September 4, for 26 years, one morning where the wife of police Nakamaru emergency had to go to the delivery room to give birth to her firstborn.
Mr. Nakamaru was told by their commanding officers on the news, and gave the welcome news that his son was a healthy boy.
The officer was palpable pride for everyone in the office of Commissioner of Tokyo. With a reverence greeted everyone and apologized to retire.
rushed to the hospital in the city, and maintaining composure, I asked him securcute, one of the ladies in white aprons for the whereabouts of his wife. The kind nurse accompanied him to the maternity room, room 501.
Left alone, took the door and slid a few inches for spying, and could only see his feet wrapped in the words of his wife. Deep breath and plunged into the quarter-colored, where a bright sun coming through the window, and an autumn breeze to billow the curtains of heaven.

With the sound of the door, Mrs. Nakamaru gently turned his face framed by tiredness, and exuberant smile, which did not conceal aLegria gave him having made the most solemn act that a woman can make.
arms slightly bent, which was placed in a crib, so her husband could see the countenance of his first child.
With a bit of shyness came masse small celestial creature wrapped in blankets.
swollen eyelids, a small nose, lips pursed, her skin white and clean ... Mr. Nakamaru was very small, smaller even than that baby. Her eyes welled with tears of happiness, vibrant, and he could not shake their hands. A nervous laugh escapedher throat, echoing in the shiny room.
stretched his index finger and carefully caressed the small bridge of the nose.
Baby among opened his eyes, and for a split second, the eyes of father and son crossed, making the officer gasped.
He put a hand on corazóny knew with veida certainty of the words of his father himself when he warned that the first look of your child may become more fearful being. Mrs. Nakamaru
smiled to check their status and whispered words of encouragement.
She sabeedora lor stronger than was her husband, how hard and strict he was accustomed to be sensed, then, that this child would change their lives dramatically for the better, and only for good ... that little boy had just turned into the key of life for a better future as a species to be protective.
The woman approached his lips to the baby's forehead, and sealed there a sweet kiss.

At that time, the nurse who led the officer to the fourth was announced and entered the room with a booklet.
's name, demanding to know. The name for the new family member.
The couple looked for a momentand Mr. Nakamaru said.
"Yuichi ..."
The nurse smiled with pleasure, but for formality asked the question. What would be the kanji of his name? Mrs. Nakamaru
returned to kiss the forehead of his son and cried.
"The kanji for a hero ..."

"中 丸 雄 一"

My Life ... passage of that little thing a big boy of 26 years! , Or;

Me insing! is so special!

26 to Yucci Happy! ♥

and meeting many more! 8D

Advanced Respiratory Technologies, Inc. [Drabble] Sunday Morning "Marudo a Day" # 2

Title: Sunday Morning
Fandom: KAT-TUN .
Couples: Marudo.
Gender: Fluff, romance. Fanfiction
Rating: ATP
Summary: A business meeting, a tired and worried Ueda Nakamaru.
Note (s) of Author: Drabble Second Series "Marudo a Day." I'll post it later mega ¬ _ ¬. One morning I go one-shot (which belongs to the series mtb) by Yuccci birthday! ♥

Sunday Morning
& LDQuo; Marudo a Day "# 2

There were certain days where they could not help wonder. Not always played together on the programs and work within the company had its ups and downs. Appreciated to make the R-one together, that there was no doubt.

not very special one Monday, after a busy weekend where Ueda had to go to Tokyo to shoot scenes for " Konkatsu " were assembled the six components in a room of Jimusho to discuss their "7 Days Battles "would become 10.
was early, and had to go directly to the board, giving them no chance to say hello.
The last to arrive was Tatsuya, a combination he had brought from the hotel in Sendai, where he had been recording. It was rare to see tired, was one who was always lots of energy. However, some minor framing her eyes dark circles, it was obvious that they must have filmed scenes at night.
had been leaning in the form of apology, and without more ruthlessly sat across the table in front of Nakamaru, who saw a little worried.
Kame began to discuss with themanager and those responsible for the concerts on the "semi-suicide" that would be 10 days at the "Tokyo Dome ", both for physical and for profit. Who assured them they were going to fill it 10 times consecutively?
However, Yuichi completely ignored the debate by noting that his partner nodded, with his elbow on the desk.
made a wry face, and pulled out his notepad from his pouch. Wrote, he pulled the sheet and slid gently across the table. Ueda
was surprised when the paper stopped winged hand. Nakamaru looked at, whichsmiled, and read it.

" not let you sleep. Right? "

navy took his pen, he replied, and gave it the same way.

"We recorded 1 in the morning until 6 and had to be something ... a sunrise on the scene. And Sunday afternoon we had a press conference that lasted until 8 pm, and then we had to repeat the scene of the dawn. I only slept during the journey to here . "

frowned, she knew she was so hard," R schools "also had to make that kind of footage. But he was indignant that the directors had not been worried about the health of her boyfriend, especially his manager, who already did not like anything right.

" How do you feel? You look so pale ... Do not cared for as you deserve for all your effort Tat-chan should fire them all. "

smiled Ueda Nakamaru outrage.

" I feel a little dizzy, I did not have time to eat properly, and you know how well I eat ."

Al leeROS, Yuichi looked angry. The child only concealed lips, a gesture that meant not to worry.

" more Tatsuya should try to take care! And your manager is useless, I told you repeatedly.
When we get home I'll lay you a long BATHING
early. "

" Yucci Only bathe me and then strokes my hair until I fall asleep ~ ♥ "

Ueda and Nakamaru laughed at, almost, spitting the juice that was just taking while reading. CHTM
LXC - Nakamaru-san? - Kame said manager .- want to add something about the challenges of the bungee?

began to cough, and Koki patted her back.

- Eh! "Bunge?! Bunge What?! - Said wiping a bit of juice from his chin.
- What do you do bunge? - Jumped Akanishi .- Did not you hear anything perhaps?
- No, not that ... is ...
- That explains why it did not oppose Koki laughed .- .- What is not heard?
- Well, anyway, "said Kame will have to jump if you touch Nakamaru ...
- Pe-pe-pe ... but ...
- Well, decided what the bunge .- said in a book one of the managers of the concert.
- Majid? - Whispered in anguish.

Why no one understood their suffering? I was afraid of heights, dammit!

He put the paper with the conversation with Tatsuya in the pocket of his beige backpack and leaned against the back of the chair puffing. The others kept talking about what else might do in the concert, and songs that would.

Another paper came to himsliding on the table. He looked at Ueda, who smiled. She returned the smile, though somewhat weak, after having to swallow the news of the bungee.
The unfolded it and read:

'll jump for you when you touch, do not worry Yucci ♥"
paper looked up surprised, Ueda looked expectant, but it I was writing something about another paper. When finished, instead of starting the sheet and give it up the notebook for him to read.

said "I love you
" ...

Melosisimo Owarii ~! But inspire me in a nice clip you saw the other day =)

Comment or die> 8D

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Front Plate Holder Jeep Liberty [Nikki] Welcome to the fantastic World

For no special reason, just to be able to intimate my Lj, I decided to just close friends.
apologize for the inconvenience = /

comment to add you =)

A t t and . S to u k s h or ! CHTM♥ LXC

Kaboom Boombox Jvc Rv-b99gy On Ebay [Drabble] Peaceful Days "Marudo a Day" # 1

Title: paceful Days. # 1
Fandom: KAT-TUN .
Couples: Marudo.
Gender: romance, romance. Fanfiction
Rating: ATP
Summary: Ueda and Maru known marudas fics first.
Note (s) of Author: not know if it's a long Drabble, One-shot or short xD ... but I will leave it as Drabble. This is part of ... as they say? It is part of a notebook that I have called "Marudo a Day" would come to be ... a notebook where I make custom or One-Chota drebble per day, always on the Marudo. So when you postone of them will have the subtitle "Marudo a Day", ne?

Peaceful Days " Marudo a Day" # 1

- Are you sure? -
- No ... it was just something he said Massu and it sounded strange.
- Well, not so strange if we think of what others do on stage.
- Yes, I know, but it is different. Massu said recounting sex scenes! How can write que have sex?
- But Yucci, yes we do.
- Y-and-ya know Tat-chan! But the fans do not know ...
- I think they have a basic idea. Ueda

click on the link Masuda had sent e-mail. Then
opened a page with pretty colors and pictures of them two of a photo shoot together.

- "Fan Community Marudo? What is " Marudo?
- I think you refer to us, "he said pointing to the Kanji Ueda .- Gather your kanji and mine. That tender ~!
-Tat-chan, is all in English ... What does "Fanfic ? - Nakamaru masse approached his friend's laptop.
- I do not know, anything that makes the fans? Wait, I'll look at Google.

fingers moved swiftly over the keyboard and soon found the answer.

- It says: " Fanfic, Fanfiction abbreviation. It's an invented story, parallel to an original story . "Oh, I see! The fans write their own versions of something they like.
- Ah So "ka? What paint usall this?
- is what we came to find out. To see these tags, click here.
- "Lemon ? What is Lemon ?
- Heaven, I'm not googling every damn word ...
- Sorry ... Well What? Tatsuya

began to translate what they read in English to tell Yuichi.

- says, " Within the company, both boys looked forward to finish the tests ... They needed to rest and have time for them. "Nakamaru

felt that began to subRIEF blood to the head.

- "For days work gave them no time to talk quietly, for, however, smile and feel close. "
- This begins to worry," the major leave her boyfriend wanting to read. But Ueda continued, smiling.
- " crossed eyes and that glow of passion flashed all over the place. "
- Oe!
- "The Couch ended the trial and the band members were leaving the room, staying alone. They smiled triumphantly and headed to the locker room. & Amp; ndash; Well, we're going, "said Akame."
- " Akame?
- Kame and Jin-pointed the Kanji Ueda, laughing.
- For God ...
- " And no sign of Kokun had."
- I suppose ... - said before the boy dodged.

The child laughed again as their partner was embarrassed. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and went on reading.

- " As for the locker room were empty, Ueda [Oh! How odd is reading me!] Nakamaru went swiftly toward [Tamread you also wonder at you! ~ ♥] to entangle their fingers in the hair and eat it ... his lips ... ... "Kya! (N / A: In this part, the dots are only the way I read Ueda)
- Huh?
- What tender!
- Tat-chan, it's us!
- So What tender we are! My god, wait, "Nakamaru held him by the waist, leaning against the lockers "

Ueda smiled it aside.

- that sensual Yucci ...
- Oh, shut up ...

laughed and resumed reading.

- " Tatsuya [Ah! ¡Usaron mi nombre de pila!] jadeó en su boca, dándole a conocer cuánto lo necesitaba .” Este Ueda es…
- … muy parecido al verdadero…
- ¿Enserio?- looked at her boyfriend and it was completely red and covered her face with her hands .- Well ... it's good to know that you like it .- said fun. The other thing in railed understandable.
- " Yuichi [also used yours!] it hit his body, aware of the growing desire to have & iacute; to the ... possess. " (N / A: ditto.)
- Chotto! That's too! Said, pointing to the screen as if he had offended. Tatsuya looked, which was slightly flushed, and was now looking down.
- Tat-chan? - Called him worried about his expression .- What? - A hand stretched out to accommodate a lock of hair escaping from her ear.
- You really ... when you think you kiss me ... love me? - And gave a shy glance.
- A-to-a-ah! B-bu-s-Well ... yes & hellip;
- "Hounto?! - and gave him a smile so beautiful and full of joy that Yuichi had to look away.

I pinched his cheek and turned to the monitor.

- " Kiss kiss after the station was disappearing from their minds, all ceased to matter; Ueda could only feel the hands of his lover through the body, giving him as he kissed her neck caresses. Nakamaru not believe his ears, who were defamed on the sighs of the child ... "

Both looked, then looked around the room Tat-chan, and risesrum chair at the same time. They embraced narrowing, and soon his lips connect in a suffocating kiss ephemeral, and exceeding thirsty any story.


Owarii ~
xD I know it's strange, but ... came to mind as ... As ... xD brilliant epiphany

Coment or die> 8D

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Oral Side Effects Ketoderm [One-shot] No Touch Them (Part 1)

Title: Touch Them.
Fandom: KAT-TUN and Nishikido Ryo.
Couples: Ryoden, Jinda.
Gender: Angst, romance, drama, fluff ... all that and more, do not miss it! Fanfiction
xD Rating: NC-13 (I think. _.)
Summary: Jin Ueda knows the truth about, and want to save it.
Note (s) of Author: Well, it is not my favorite couples, but I wanted to make someone special happy 8D
Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me, any resemblance to real life is purely coincidental. (Always wanted to say that 8D)
Special thanks: Thanks for passing it computer
Avi ~ ♥ Dedication: To Avi, was his birthday because he loves the Ryoden, aunqe do not know why I did not xDDD Well Marudo , i love Ueda Jin loves ... that explains all xD.

Touch Them Part 1

Tired of making fun of him? Oh yeah ... Ryo

not turned around when he left the room. Never looking back, that came with the package NishikidoRyo gone.
Not that he expects special treatment, but since Ryo looked at him in a special way ... would have liked something ... What? Mercy?
No, pity it was not in the dictionary of the dark.

had been said many times, we mourn not help at all ... He had said many times, to plead not any good.
Well, he had said so many things.
Still, I had a terrible life. Support, from time to time, Nishikido intrusions on their roster of happiness, will not affect most, or at least not as much. He had learned to live with it quite well ... Of course that's notmeant that the day came to enjoy.

When he heard the door close with a bang, crawled to his clothes, and noted the damage done.

"was my favorite ...". Traces of a black shirt with silver slipped from his hands. She took her jeans and put it gently moving. It also positioned its borsegos and chose to put his jacket over his bare chest, what remedy? When

was to head for the door, his phone started ringing alarm. Was surprised to see it slightly, it was strangea person to call him.

- Kame? "He said. Ueda
"Where are you? - Asked
...-" I'm in rapidly opened the door and stepped outside, in the street on my way home. Is something wrong?
- Who are you? "He said respuesta.Tatsuya swore I was somewhat angry.
- What to do with who ...? I'm alone!
- No lie! That was weird

What's wrong? I'm not lying! "He heard a snort from the other side of the handset.
"We need to talk this time sonaba boring, as if they had no intention of talking with him.
- S-about what? Come
-Jin's house.
- How? - He went into a spasm of panic "Jin? Why just in your home?
"That you come to the house of Jin ... here ...- hope you and hung up.

"We ...?" That meant that Kame was not alone .... But he seemed ridiculous What did they talk? His behavior with them was the same as always, there was no reason for a "chat."
Unless ... unless they supiwere ... they knew ...
swallowed while stopped a taxi and giving up Akanishi address.

"Akanishi." You goosebumps ... yes there were only one way that he did not cause all these emotions ... all those feelings that I managed that when Ryo poseíay hurt him, leaving him lying and hurting, he could smile, smile, smile sonreíry.
He was dying to remember that Nishikido not allow him to be happy ... that there was another ... who was with Jin.

car was lowered and toc & oacutee; timbre. Kame appeared instantly warm up your nose. Honestly, even if not with his shirt on, he had felt no cold, in fact I did not feel many things. He was surprised to see that all around there was snow, white and shiny, and breathing, your breath is transformed into mist you really so cold?
entered and followed up Kame's room mate. He could not help looking around carefully to keep it intact in his memory.
entering his heart sank when he saw Jin lying on his bed. It was a natural and he sat ecepcionalthe young man really well.

- Io! "He greeted him sitting up in bed, watching him.
"Well, here was my kindness for you Akanishi .- Kame said.

Then, Ueda noted that, in fact, his friend was ready to go. "Thank

Kame." was all he said.
"Anytime. Goodbye Tat-chan! "And took his bag regardless.
-B-but ...- and left. Where was the "We need to talk? Some looked dazed

Jin, who was lying with his arms behind his head. She was wearing a simple jogging anda diver from home.

"Take off your jacket," he ordered suddenly.
-Ah?! - Act contrary, stronger hands clasped on the basis of his hood.
"Get comfortable, take off your jacket, not cold in here.
-B-but ... no, I'm fine! It is not necessary ...- but the sudden movement of the other cut it. Jin suddenly had joined startling. Ueda tube to keep breathing for a few seconds, as it had come much, and I was looking too serious.
-J-Jin? "I do not know lying
Tat-chan ...
"You're sweating, take off the peasantra.
-not! - Screamed and got out of bed.

His friend looked at him evenly, but with his hands and took his chin and his elbows on his knees.

"You know who is my best friend?

was a strange question, completely disconcerted him, but Jin used to be so strange, but, frankly, I was scared.

-Yamashita, "he answered briefly.
"And you know who the second best friends with him?

The seriousness with which he was using the words made it clear that it was nota joke, but he seemed totally irrelevant questions.

-Etto ... I do not know ... Ikuta-kun? Jin


"Do not you think of anyone else? And do not talk about Shirota. (N / A: I had to put it xD ♥).

Ueda frowned confused. He thought a moment, and suddenly recalled that Yamapi was very friendly ...

not react in time to hide the horror gasp that escaped his mouth.
The morocho grimaced and got out of bed.

"I think that is very little class he has told as well, although estuviese drunk. Yamapi came almost flying to tell.

Ueda had begun to tremble, and had to cling to the comfortable teníaa right to not end up on the floor.

"Why do not you tell us anything? - Remained unanswered. The blonde looked better that, paler than ever seemed on the verge of desmayo.-Tat-chan? You okay? "I will punish
said breathlessly .- Believe me ... I told you you should not talk about it! - Very hysterically shouted, grabbing his wrists.
"But, you're crazy? Intend to do nothing? I have to kill him!
-No! No! Please tie Jin ...tions that secrecy ... Kame knows? You tell? - Asked terrified.

Akanishi looked worried. The mere mention of it was to lose his sanity, which was exactly what Ryo had done?

"Do not tell anyone ... you have to calm down, and took him back to his bed, where he forced her to sit.
"You should take off your jacket, or when you go out you'll have cold .- Jin took the close and began to lower it, but Ueda's hand pushed him a slap. "I'm fine .-

frowned Akanishi & iquest; What concealed? I was tired of being concealed things, and this time, get answers. Think twice, to decide what was best ... Ueda
moody brooding as he thought he would do if Ryo Jin found out he knew, until she felt a strong jalóny his jacket swung open.
The morocho appreciated, with surprise, that he had no shirt under his coat. But, what stunned the number of marks and scars that spread across his torso. There were red around their nipples, and bite marks. And a purple, too black, in their costill, outlining what. certainly were well-placed shots. He also had scratches that were on his collarbone to his navel. Grateful not to see you back. It was like watching a battle. Jin

turned his hands into fists and tried to calm the tremors that shook him. Fiercely biting her lower lip, while a short growl escaped his throat. Ueda
reacted after a full minute, and turned to close the jacket.

"Do not tell anyone! Do not tell to Yamapi! - Said as he began to sob scared.

But his friend did not answer, and chen he did, he could only mouth words between grunts.

"Why not you tell us ... ...? Spat .- How did you come up ... ... let this move forward?

Between tears, tried to replicate.

"You have ... you have no idea .- And a very loud noise made him hit a jump. Jin had gripped his bedside and had hit the wall, to bring them into semi darkness.
"No, I have not croaked
.- You can not be angry with me! He threatened to hurt you, to you! Said you would pay if I refused!

That will head right off for several reasons. Your company & amp; about girls, ero betray a naivete gave worthy of a child ... warned that fear played a part in their thinking.

- How do you happen to believe? I was playing with your innocence! "Make us harm? And do not you come save as long as ...
- I said you would do the same to you! - Interrupted him .- He said that would make you suffer twice as much to me! And I could not live with the idea that he ... that he definitely broke ...- And your self, beginning to mourn inconsolably.

I do not care if Jin found out about their feelings,correspondíao not matter if you do not. Just say things forbidden, and Ryo would not forgive. He had managed to hold harmless Jin everything she could. Error was his, after all, have shown weakness at the mention of it. But, could not help it ...

arms felt comfortable approaching him a soft, warm body. And a pair of hands began to stroke his hair.

- Did you do that for me? - Whispered .- All this time ... you did it to protect myself? Ueda

felt a chill that was merged with a sudden warmth in your stomauería say? Akanishi "I knew his feelings?
The boy knew how to interpret the confusion in the face of the blond.

"Forgive me, but when Yamapi came yesterday to tell me I had to make sure that was true, so what ...- elaborated on his face a grimace of guilt, I forced the lock in your locker, and I read your journal. (N / A: In all my fics, diaries are always in the locker room lockers JE realized? XD) Immediately

fear Tatsuya usurped the body once again.

-All? - Said in a whisper.
"Well, yes, because I was quand find a comment that tells me if it was true ...

wished that, in reality, all that was a nightmare. There was "no comment" in his diary ... but was dwelt all the suffering caused him Ryo, pain and shame. In addition, he had written the details of what he thought of each member, especially him.

"When I look at it, I feel something inhuman, something that goes beyond these platitudes boy ... love remains." I remembered that phrase, had written her eyes out ...

And these were thousands, and the Jin had him & amp; iacute; do all.

"Sorry, but I was so scared ... I had to make sure!

"Scared?" Again he expressions conveyed their thoughts to another.

"But what do you think? What I do not care? What you're nobody to me? Ueda

believed that if his heart beat faster still, die of syncope.

-Nishikido not let you change the perspective of the world ... worth much more than you think, no matter that I said to him.

I liked it so much, he said sharply on antebrazo of Jin, which had not released from the hug.

-Ya, ya, do not worry, it will not hurt you, I swear .- he said looking into his eyes serious. Since gout

overflowing water from a cup, Tatsuya not take it anymore. Abatdo sighed so many thoughts and revelations. He looked straight into my eyes, I knew I could read his mind, came to his face and closed eyes in a tomb, kissed ... Jin
not turned away, and it corresponded, grabbing his waist tightly, trying to make it clear that those same hands will not againdrop again.

"Tired of making fun of him? Oh, yes. "

But that did not matter in the slightest. Now, at that moment, all that mattered Jin, Jin, and all that that implied.

continued ...

Owarii ~
They liked? I believe that I was clamped and excited me poor by destroying the Tat-chan, or; But it appears that Avi said: Do it SUFFER! ... So, I obeyed I think ... XD it's OK qe rating gave him, no? Anything Iwarn =)

I was very long, so I left it in half, and posting them in a few days following, that I see now ... is very painful xD
If someone feels like your humor, go to the pipe ... should certainly read

xD Well, me voi! Coment

or die> 8D

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Smothers Brothers Curb Your Tongue Knave Blog [Drabble] º º Those Damned Butterflies

Title: Those damned butterflies
Fandom: KAT-TUN
Couples: Jin &?
Gender: Romance, drama
Fanfiction Rating: NC-17 .
Summary: Lying fear and love.
Note (s) of Author: Drabble is a freak thing, but, you do not? Disclaimer
xD : I do not belong no one in the JE.

Those Damned Butterflies

felt that he broke the cuerpo ... it was so bad, he thought he was going to have to pick up the pieces of his soul at the end.
However, the constant cries of pleasure, unintelligible whispers, and the obscene praise dilatant that Jin dedicated, was a great pain reliever.
"No time" was used as an excuse to corner him against the broom closet.
"I need you here and now." And only those sweet words were enough for him to leave his friend to undress and mutilated kissing, fondling and sex.

feigned a groan after another to the rhythm of the thrusts that gave Jin. He performed his role perfectly, while the other at mALRI was biting his lips, narrowed eyes full of lust false and demanded more ... even if it meant more pain.
But he thought that these physical ailments were not a big deal ... not ever be compared to the suffering that would be able to feel when Jin left. Not deny that happiness never felt that kid gave him what he wished, so wanted to try, I needed ... Masy increasingly as if it were a drug.
it did not matter, no matter what your body to inquire as sharp pain, which tears up the same cry of was suppliedacostumbraríaa price ... this rite never so much enjoyed fierce Jin.

- You like it? - Asked lasciviously as he stood over the legs to put on his shoulders.
- M-I love ... ...

Jin still hated lying, really hated it, but most would hate to leave him weak, brittle, lifeless Pusilha nime ...

When he noticed that Jin was reaching its climax, began to masturbate, trying to ignore the pain. Akanishi
finished snorting and throwing his head back, sat out of Elyrecovery from a substance for breath with my eyes closed.
increased the pace of his hand and managed to cum in her abdomen.

- yet can make you finish first ... - said something annoying.

He sat with his stomach trouble wiping with a rag that was there.

- Jin's not your fault.
- Yes it is .- discussed approaching him .- Do not you pleased? ... Do I do ... wrong?
- No! Not that! ...

Jin grinned crooked.

- So ... Why not successful?
- & hellip: I am late, that's all ...

The boy turned his face a sign that he did not believe that lie.

- should tell me if I do something I do not like.
- When that happens, I will. But there is nothing to do on this world that can annoy me, Jin.

And clasped his lips for a sweet kiss. A kiss that sabíaa truth. Akanishi

- Well, come on, someone could enter the cabinet .- said stopping and searching her clothes.
- - Hai.

was not lying ... but ache, but did not feel comfortable ... never stop & iacute; to the liking these tickle in your tummy when he touched Jin. And never allow é leaves his body, although sometimes it could destroy his soul.

As you can imagine ... in my head I imagine
Yucci ~ ♥ Something obvious, ne? xD

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Blueprint Woodcarvers Bench When the Americanized Latino and women seeking freedom.

Very beautiful creatures of creation, my children, it's worth noting first that this is not women's liberation.

There are two points. The first is that a woman who is bored and lonely crazy not need to leave at night to quench their thirst for freedom "? In my opinion, encourages women to go to get to a "gentleman" and believe that it is women's emancipation. For nothing. It is almost shocking (and the dance of the cage is the most horrendous from a video that I have seen Fanny Lu). If you are bored do something more productive to go by offering her charms pecause it only denigrates us more.

The second is more light. This, boys and girls, is not Shakira's Pies Descalzos. It is the music that made you think or has that Latin charm that distinguished. This is an Americanized churro of pop stars who need to promote free sex. Although, of course, since the dyed blond music was marketed to become the horror.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Safenet Ultrapro Dongle Emulator Hack Commissions Are Open!

This post is informative. For a commission, send me a private message to my livejournal and deviantart account. If you do not have an account on any of the two pages, send an email to: kakashi_mamoru@yahoo.com.ar. Le
payment is made through Paypal or Western Union.

Depending on the style and / or difficulty in drawing, prices may vary.
-No adult content: U.S. $ 15 + $ 5 for c extra character. - Example -
"With adult content: U.S. $ 19 + $ 5 for c extra character. - Example - Fanarts

Charactersanime / manga, comics, movies, singers, actors, celebrities in general, OCs, portraits of you and your friends, even from a team, slash, yaoi, yuri, het, etc.
These prices are for the characters drawn to the waist. For full body drawings on request.
-Traditional: (in pencil)
-lines only: U.S. $ 7 + $ 3 w / extra character. - Example -
-Hatch Black and White: U.S. $ 10 + $ 5 for c extra character. - Example -
-Colored: U.S. $ 20 + $ 8 for c extra character.
-traditional adult content:
-lines only: U.S. $ 10 + $ 3 w / extra character. - CHExample TMLXC - -Hatch Black and White: U.S. $ 13 + $ 5 for c extra character.
-Colored: U.S. $ 23 + U.S. $ 8 c extra character.

-Digital: -only lines: U.S. $ 12 + $ 6 extra character per second, $ 3 c / ua from the third. - Example
- -Black and White: U.S. $ 16 + $ 5 per c / character extra $ 4 from the third. Bottomless
-Colored: U.S. $ 25 + $ 10 w / extra character. - Example
- simple bottom-Colored: U.S. $ 30 + $ 15 per w / extra character. - Example
- -Coloured with complex background: U.S. $ 40 + $ 20 w / extra character. - Example
- Digital
-contenid adult: -only lines: U.S. $ 15 + $ 9 extra for second person, $ 5 c / ua from the third.
-Black and White: U.S. $ 22 + $ 10 w / extra person, $ 7 from the third. Bottomless
-Colored: U.S. $ 35 + $ 12 per w / extra character. - Example
- simple bottom-Colored: U.S. $ 45 + $ 15 per w / extra character. - Example
- -Coloured with complex background: U.S. $ 60 + $ 20 w / extra character. - Example
- -
Chibis (digital):
-only lines: U.S. $ 6 + $ 5 per second extra character. - Example
- bottomless -Colored: U.S. $ 12 + $ 7 per c extra character.der a commission, send me a private message to my livejournal or deviantart accout. If You Do not have an account in Any of Those websites, send me an e-mail to: kakashi_mamoru@yahoo.com.ar.
Payment is through PayPal or Western Union.

:bulletblue:'LL WORK YOUR COLOR Prices May Vary According To the Difficulty and / or style of the drawing. "Without adult content
: U.S. $ 15 + $ 5 For Every extra character. - Example -
-With adult content: U.S. $ 19 + $ 5 For Every extra character. - Example - Fanarts

Characters from anime / manga, comics, movies, singers, actors, famous people in general, OCs, pictures of you and your friends, sports / teams uniforms, slash, yaoi, yuri, het, etc. These prices
Are for characters drawn Until Their hips. For full-body drawings, ask.

-Traditional: (pencil)

-Lines only: U.S. $ 7 + $ 3 for Every extra character. - Example

-Black and White: U.S. $ 10 + $ 5 For Every extra character. - Example
-Color: U.S. $ 20 + $ 8 for Every extra character.
with adult content:
-Lines only: U.S. $ 10 + $ 3 for Every extra character. - Example :bulletblue: - -Black and White: U.S. $ 13 + $ 5 For Every extra character. -Color: U.S. $ 23 + $ 8 for Every extra character.

-Digital: -Lines only: U.S. $ 12 + $ 6 for Every extra character, Each $ 3 from the third on. - Example
- -Black and White: U.S. $ 16 + $ 5 For Every extra character, $ 4 Each from the third on. Without
background-color: U.S. $ 25 + $ 10 For Every extra character. - Example
:bulletblue: - with simple background-color: U.S. $ 30 + $ 15 For Every extra character. - Example
with complex background-color: U.S. $ 40 + $ 20 For Every extra character. - Example
-Digital with adult content: -Lines only: U.S. $ 15 + $ 9 for Every extra character, U.S. $ 5 each Each from the third on.
-Black and White: U.S. $ 22 + $ 10 for every character extra, $ 7 Each from the third on. Without background-color: U.S. $ 35 + $ 12 For Every extra character. - Example
with simple background-color: U.S. $ 45 + $ 15 For Every extra character. - Example -
with complex background-color: U.S. $ 60 + $ 20 For Every extra character. - Example -
Chibis (digital):
-Lines only: U.S. $ 6 + $ 5 For Every extra character. - Example
- Without background-color: U.S. $ 12 + U.S. $ 7for Every extra character. with background-color: U.S. $ 16 + $ 9 for Every extra character. - Example

MANGA / doujinshi / COMICS Prices Are
per page. If in a page There Are Many characters or explicit scenes, there'll Be an overcharge of $ 7 for That page. Double count as two pages. (I accept hentai, yaoi, yuri).
-Sketch (pencil only): U.S. $ 15. - Example -
-Inked (G-pen): $ 20
-Complete (ink + digital textures): U.S. $ 30. - Example

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Watch 'back To School Rodney Dangerfield Online The imminent end

began five weeks ago on vacation. A month ago I'm dreading the terrible time you have to go through those doors again.

Funny how that can turn on time, if more than a month ago I thought of four weeks of vacation and time seemed eternal delight, full of rest, leisure, music, laughter, art ... Now it's been almost five weeks, I look atrásy discover five weeks of work, constant attempts to stop time to prevent it from escaping so quickly. I see before me one day, Sunday, prior to return to school, and I can not believe he's gone so soon. I will close my eyes and find que to wear the uniform tango back to lock myself in the classroom who knows how long.

I despair of this situation. I do not want to pass the time, I do not want to end the stage happy to do nothing, have no responsibilities, not having to leave my house with a uniform, backpack and anguish to see me locked in four walls, eighteen classmates and tons of authority over me. I have no escape. I've got twenty four hours to complete the task or invent an excuse not to return. Twenty-four hours and nothing else. I'm going to go through tears and task.

Then I will come to class, and I will feel as always locked, mirandaor out the window at a sun impossible to feel through books, while someone explains a concept that never interested me learn and I will never apply.

many times the great writers have used the last day of vacation as a metaphor to express the disappointment and anguish about the imminent end the misery, prison ... This time is not a metaphor. It's true. I'm going back to school, and is so inevitable that I removed the desire to continue writing to vent, if in the end I will return and there is no turning back.

all say "It's for your own good & rdquo;, "Tomorrow you'll be happy to have gone", "would be worse if you were not." And I understand them perfectly. They did not understand me. Do not understand why they are adults. It's been too long since the last time you had no responsibility and have already forgotten the feeling of freedom. I'm going to forget at some point. I'm going to grow. I'll also be happy to have gone to school. But that will be in the future (at this point it seems ominously close). This is the present, and this I enjoy the fact of not being an adult for a few years m & aacute; s.

Finally, after having railed against the system and have done a display of my bitterness and my anarchy, I will commit the most contradictory of the day: I will continue doing the task because but hate the system, I must admit that has more power than me.