began five weeks ago on vacation. A month ago I'm dreading the terrible time you have to go through those doors again.
Funny how that can turn on time, if more than a month ago I thought of four weeks of vacation and time seemed eternal delight, full of rest, leisure, music, laughter, art ... Now it's been almost five weeks, I look atrásy discover five weeks of work, constant attempts to stop time to prevent it from escaping so quickly. I see before me one day, Sunday, prior to return to school, and I can not believe he's gone so soon. I will close my eyes and find que to wear the uniform tango back to lock myself in the classroom who knows how long.
I despair of this situation. I do not want to pass the time, I do not want to end the stage happy to do nothing, have no responsibilities, not having to leave my house with a uniform, backpack and anguish to see me locked in four walls, eighteen classmates and tons of authority over me. I have no escape. I've got twenty four hours to complete the task or invent an excuse not to return. Twenty-four hours and nothing else. I'm going to go through tears and task.
Then I will come to class, and I will feel as always locked, mirandaor out the window at a sun impossible to feel through books, while someone explains a concept that never interested me learn and I will never apply.
many times the great writers have used the last day of vacation as a metaphor to express the disappointment and anguish about the imminent end the misery, prison ... This time is not a metaphor. It's true. I'm going back to school, and is so inevitable that I removed the desire to continue writing to vent, if in the end I will return and there is no turning back.
all say "It's for your own good & rdquo;, "Tomorrow you'll be happy to have gone", "would be worse if you were not." And I understand them perfectly. They did not understand me. Do not understand why they are adults. It's been too long since the last time you had no responsibility and have already forgotten the feeling of freedom. I'm going to forget at some point. I'm going to grow. I'll also be happy to have gone to school. But that will be in the future (at this point it seems ominously close). This is the present, and this I enjoy the fact of not being an adult for a few years m & aacute; s.
Finally, after having railed against the system and have done a display of my bitterness and my anarchy, I will commit the most contradictory of the day: I will continue doing the task because but hate the system, I must admit that has more power than me.
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