Thursday, May 21, 2009

Westerly Sailing Boats [Oneshot] KAT-TUN on MSN

Title: KAT-TUN on MSN
Fandom: KAT-TUN
Couples groups.
Gender: comedy.
Fanfiction Rating: NC-13 .
Summary: KAT-TU is located in the Msn.
Note (s) of Author: Well ... not very good as it was born ... I think I just was dying of boredom in class, and well, why not make a Oneshot the Tunes? And here it is! A conversation via MSN = P

on MSN

_Kizuna_ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ has started a group conversation. KAME
: Hey guys! Unbelievable that they are connected. What a great time to chat together!
JIN: this is stupid, we have what?
KAME: yes, we have, we will help bring better.
JIN: agree, finish this u.ú. I Akanishi Jin, I like listening to music, hanging out with my friends and annoy Nakamaru. Ok, that's it. CHT
MLXC KOKI: we were chatting, that show? xD What did you do today?
JIN: shut Koki.
KOKI: want to hit you again?
JIN: and wanted to touch me.
KAME: I do not think they understand my point for the talk ...
UEDA: Hello! Chati strange that group. Whose idea was it?
JIN: Kame.
KOKI: Kame
KAME: Taguchi was also ! Junn
: not true!
KAME: and, well ...
UEDA: do not think a chatgroup to help us.
KOKI: Uebo so what? Just write and now.
UEDA: like you 8-) I
KOKI: great!
UEDA: today I went to Osaka with Nakamaru, and bought winter accessories.
KAME: with Nakamaru?
UEDA: itself.
JIN: winter?
UEDA: yes
KOKI: but if it is spring!
UEDA: is that next week we are going to visit relatives Maru which are in the north ... and there is cold now.
KAME: of Nakamaru?
UEDA: yes
JIN: north?
UEDA: yes
Junn: let boo.
KOKI: by the way, where is Yucci?
JIN: I can not find, or is avoiding me. Junn
: you are avoiding.
UEDA: you are avoiding.
KAME: you avoid.
KOKI: sip.
JIN: oe!
UEDA: busy.
JIN: doing ...? UEDA
: 8-)
KOKI: Bakanishi do you care? CHT MLXC JIN:
hey, Koki, want to return to Pinky? KOKI:
for? So that after chase me around with a wig in his hand? JIN:
hahaha, I was veeeeery well! xD KAME: ahem ...
what about turtle? KAME:
we were talking about something else ... UEDA:
and told her that I went to Osaka with Nakamaru. KOKI:
with Nakamaru? UEDA:
itself. JIN:
to Osaka? UEDA:
enough! ¬ ¬ Junn:
well, yesterday I saw with NishiKido-san. KOKI:
Taguchi nobody cares. JIN:
no, no, no, wait, with Ryo? Junn :
itself. JIN:
with Nishikido Ryo? Junn :
uh, yeah. JIN:
our Nishikido Ryo? KAME:
know another Nishikido Ryo? ¬ ¬ Junn:
yes, the NEWS and Kanjani8, Nishikido Ryo that. JIN:
seriously? KOKI:
are so heavy ... Bakanishi JIN:
Mr. Bakanishi for you. But Bido account, what did? Junn :
oh! ♥ I was with é l other Kanjani to karaoke. KOKI:
what?! KAME:
how? JIN:
can not be! UEDA: I'm surprised
why they so surprised? JIN:
expected, how Kanjanis? Junn :
eh ... Shibutani-san, and Ohkura-san. KAME:
oh, my god. KOKI:
and you what did you do there? Junn :
they invited me. JIN:
and, really, what were you doing there? Junn :
is the truth! Nishikidoo-san called me and told me if I wanted to go. JIN:
okay, which one of all? Junn :
which of all what? KOKI:
not play dumb Taguchi! With which of you slept? Obviously not call you to tell jokes! KAME:
I think we are diverting the conversation ... UEDA:
expected Came, I also want to know! KAME:
too? o_o JIN: Bido
well? Junn :-_-uuuu
Now Say! Junn :
Ryo ... KOKI:
oooooh! UEDA:
impressive Junno. KAME:
someone I remove the mental image! > - \u0026lt; JIN:
I'll pull you want. KAME: ¬ ¬
Jin JIN:
already, but I do not understand ... KAME:
do not you understand? JIN:
have any idea how many times I tried to bind me to Ryo? And how many achieve them? ... 0. Not even drunk! KOKI:
jajaja, ch ♦ ♦ Tagushi must arla better than you! ... In fact ... yes! xD Junn: CHKoki TMLXC! = $
KAME: that rare, Ryo is not hard to ...
JIN: ¬ ¬ what?
KAME: of anything!
KOKI: Oh, by the way, the paper that he just bought the sheets, who went to buy it?
KAME: sent it to buy from Jin. KOKI
: and you could not buy a more expensive Bakanishi? It has only 50 pages!
JIN: Eh! I got 3.50! And I do not usually spend money on books ...: S
UEDA: I'll buy next, okay?
KAME: thanks. C
HTMLXC JIN: well, now what do we do?
KOKI: Kame ~ want to get a drink?
KAME: mmm ... I wanted to study a little the script ...
KOKI: I say yes and now. At 8 in the season.
KAME: yes-_-
JIN: I'm going to look Nakamaru ~
UEDA: I have to go to record. Junn
: just received another call from Nishikido-san, so I'm going too. KAME
: 0_0
KOKI: another score for Taguchi! Bidó 2 - Miroku 0
JIN: shut up bum! Either way I'll be busy with Yucci.
KOKI: Yucci not tell!
JIN: I say as I want!
UEDA: not going to be able to find.
JIN: eh? Why?
UEDA: because it is hidden a place where you never leave.
KOKI: well, that rules out police stations, hospitals, Roppongi, and xD Pi house
KAME: should look at the library in the science museum.
JIN: I feel that I insulted ...
UEDA: rather prescient. Junn
: Shibutani-san just touching timbre, bye guys!
KOKI: Goodbye Use condoms!
UEDA: fun Junno.
KAME: not take much.
JIN: ... bastard son of a bitch-_- [
* Ore wa Saigo! * has disconnected]
UEDA: Well, I should go.
KAME: hai, ganbatte!
KOKI: Uebo goodbye!
JIN: (k) [
I ♥ Gackt! was disconnected]
JIN: where they think is Nakamaru?
KOKI: I do not think say anything.
JIN: Kame?
KAME: I know! May be in the house ...
Massu JIN: oh! The chubby! How did not I think? Thanks! Remember then reward turtle! I'm going there! Goodbye! [
You are my Pinky ° ° was disconnected]
KAME: not even let us say hello!
KOKI: great Kame ... Yucci precisely is what Massu.
KAME: serious? = 0
KOKI: yes
KAME: oh, gomen.
KOKI: well, my hermanito want the pc, so I'm going.
KAME: agree.
KOKI: 8 hours at the station, do not forget.
KAME: not forgotten.
KOKI: good turtle.
KAME: Tortuga stop me! [
. JOKER has disconnected] [
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ _Kizuna_ has disconnected]

god! mega colorful! putting the colors kill me-_-

I hope you like it!

Coment or die> 8D

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bugle Signals & Calls [OneShot] ° ° Akame's Diary

Title: Akame's Diary
Fandom: KAT-TUN
Jin & Kame Genre: Romance, drama, angst
Fanfiction Rating: NC-17 .
Summary: Kame is shocked and upset, and Ajin seems to care.
Note (s) of Author: Well, so do not mix, writes Jin red, and pink turtle , nee? Any other mienbro intervention, I would go in color, you understand?

Akame's Diary

Kame took cueaderno he found in his locker with both hands and a frown.
- What is this? ...
The cover was black, with a drawing of a skull pirate KAT-TUN, and below said "Akame's Diary"
opened it curious and surprised.
On the first page read:

Take it as an opportunity to regain the privacy and intimacy of which previously enjoyed!

With the neat letter Ueda.
Kame chuckled at the ridiculous gesture of his friend. But ... did not throw. I keep it in his pocket and took his casa.

When he opened it, noticed that on the next page had more touchdowns.

supposed to have to write like a normal day, but speaking to you.

Nakamaru recognized the handwriting.
And then there was nothing else. Well
. How stupid could that be? Yes, very stupid ... but how much he missed Jin? Yes .. much.
accept certain things about himself, and one such was his pride and would not give ... "Cow could I? Was easier to ignore ... and leave things unfinished, without forgiveness, without an apology, no nothing ...
Too childish? Oh, yes ... but ... Well, it was Jin. Although now I was in a sort of zombie trance, which worried Kame had long ... and he did not know why.

looked blank sheets in front of him, and shrugged.
took a pencil and simply got carried away. Dear

day ... (But then she remembered the instructions Nakamaru, and deleted.)
Jin: although it was thought m & iacute, to having a shared diary, and although it seems a pretty stupid idea ... quice do it anyway. Need a reason? It's just a journal where you write down what you do in the day ... and how you feel. Today
with Kimura-san i was talking about the new drama. It was very time no see! It is very tan, and looks that were a long vacation, because it is very relaxed.
Then I was in the rehearsal room of the company with Junno, need help with a few steps, and he offered to help.
And finally came home ... I got up & amp; eacute; very early, so I'll lie tamprano too.

writing looked and decided not to have fired.

next day, when he reached the JE, went to the locker Akanishi, but on arrival they detúbo dry. He knew the key to Jin ... or at least the key I had before moving to the U.S., but what would be the same? He did not believe it because the old key was his birthday (The Kame). But, well ... lose nothing by trying. He moved the scroll wheel to the right numbers, and the lock cegiven. Kame took the safe in his hand, and a growing bewilderment over him. Conocíaa Jin, or thought he knew him well could be that be so lazy as to not change the key, and for convenience, since it was an easy date to remember ...
A noise brought him out of his thoughts, were steps. He put the paper inside, and closed it and then go to step rapids.
That day they had had tests, they came over those 10 days in the Tokyo Dome. And the 6 practices and dance like any trial. His teammates did not show the most m & amp; iacute; minimum sign of complicity at the newspaper, was not mentioned, so it either. However, when bedtime approached, his nerves began to unfold. I was very angry with himself for being so stupid ... Jin was so normal ... which was good and bad. Well, because it meant that there was any recentemente RASR. Bad, because ever since he knew he was special, and Jin had always treated special.

- Well, I'm going ... - Nakamaru said.
- Yes, me too, are with the car? - Asked a question & oacute; Jin.
- Yes
- Well, wait in the garage, I'll get some things in my locker and overtake you .- And more out of the room.
- Anybody heard it has said it would take him? "- Inquired the most watching.
- Ya ... You know how it is ... grateful that he is not who runs .- Taguchi said.
- Do not remind me ... - Complained remember a certain incident in the desert.

Kame felt a pull in your stomach ... would see the day. I did not want to be there when that happens.

- I alsoin myself I! - said startling. He took his things on top of a table, and ran toward the exit.
did not know how, but on 10m and was in the shower in your home.
Okay, there was more to see what the reaction of Jin.
And as a teenager, began to turn in his bed unable to sleep ... knew he was being very immature ... but had not precisely the intimacy and those secrets that Ueda had mentioned, and interning them in a manner so sudden, now seemedto madness.
The next morning, did not know at what point in the night before he fell asleep. Between thoughts and turning in bed, had finally achieved the dream concieliar.
When he went to the locker room of the building and that there was no positive proof, came quickly to her locker. He gulped and opened the box. The newspaper was waiting, Apollo into a pile of clean shirts.
His heart started beating so hard, he thought he would grab a tachycardia. Ondo breath remembering that it was 23 years old, who was Kamenashi Kazuya andit was ridiculous to be nervous about it.
Even so, his hands shaking when you hold the paper. He opened it and went to that page.

Kame: Yeah, you're right, this is stupid.

Only that ... just that ...

had not noticed any cumulative hope until the very strong disappointment hit him in the face.
all? Is not going to say anything else? ... Within
vacuum that was created by not receiving an answer that satisfies him, he noticed something strange.
Of the two, the more angry he was. That is, if someone had to be angry, Kame was he, not Jin. Jin tenií no right to deny a journaling converzación ... had no right to deny anything ... in fact, thought Kame, Jin had no rights. He had never said "I forgive you", "Welcome", ever. Over time it was not necessary, others had already accepted mienbros back. But I knew that Kame Akanishi still kept the small but pain punsante unprecedented abandonment or apparent reason. And apparently ... not import & aacute; ba.
blinked to disperse the fog that wanted to swallow it, the fog that appeared when I felt a pain absorvió. That fog that separated him from everyone, and made his moments of solitude unbearable.
cocked his head as he rose from the ground. What time was sitting on it? And frowned. It would not be he who suffer ... as if 6 months have not been sufficient. Amazingly fast, pain anger changed. An anger that was starting aquemar. She felt stupid ... an idiot. Had invested hope in something useless ... How could he be so stupid?
closed his eyes, and felt like a heat invading the stomach, a warm stream of blood was spreading on it.
took the paper and turned out of the locker room.
Come on! He had been wanting to try.

Arriving back home, threw the book up out of bed and went to his bathroom, and although it was dirty and had not tried, he got into the shower, opening onlycold.

had gone to bed early, early escepcionalmente ... and could not wake up too early escepcionalmente.
His cell phone had not stopped ringing all day earlier. Also the phone did not leave his house to remind him that he had escaped from a trial ... finally his mother had lied to him, saying (at the request of his son) that he was not at home, and what time sabíaa not return. Miró
time, 6:34 am am. Hair stirred something hysterical. Gets up and grabs ó your desk top cell. I had to stop off for sonar, and began to arrest him drop all messages from members, and missed calls. Began to fade, until it ran into one of Jin. He alone had commanded him.
" I know you came because the newspaper is not in your locker. Why did you escape? "
controlled the burning hatred that was accumulating in his chest, then saw the newspaper lying on the ground. Ely was not until he opened it, and then write.

're the pers & oacutee, na more hypocritical than ever saw in my life. You have no right ... I ran away because they wanted to see your face is incredible that after so long, and then to believe that things were returning to normal ... me again with the same knife cut.

When closing the notebook, took back his phone, and no matter the time, sent a message to Koki.

" I do not feel well, I'm leaning to a stay home, do not want visitors. Gomen. "

Incredibly, Koki reply instantly. What was awakeor that hour? It was a mystery ...

" Amazing that you have become ill in so little time ... get over it soon to try "

knew I was angry ... by the way you write ... But, enough of thinking about others.
A conscience, went to the building of Johnny, and put the paper in the box Jin. It seemed rude, now, that had not changed the lock code. And like wine, he turned to go.
knew it would not be able to avoid it for life, so I decided I do go &; Iacute; to test the next day and that was what God dictates.

had arrived late, so rushed to go to the locker room to change. He knew he had no time ... but you should see Jin had returned the day. He went to his locker and opened it, but there was no trace of him. Did not want to give your brain time to react, so I closed it and ran into the rehearsal room.
did not even look ... avoided his gaze around the practice. And he knew that he didwatched. Other regular members behaved as if he really had been ill Kame ... Although he was sure that everyone knew was not true.
the end of the day, was among the last to leave. Nakamaru offered to take him by car, and as he did not want to go on a crowded train, agreed. But Maru liked bathing in the bathrooms of the building ... so the others had gone.
was the dressing room to wait, and when you open your locker was found with the newspaper. He was surprised, and I did not expect ...
I opened & amp; oacute; quietly ... I was not sure that he had returned with some writing.

I'm not a hypocrite ... but, you if you are a coward. I do not have any journal with you, because I'm looking to come speak in front ... Looking bring out courage from somewhere, and you can come talk to me and tell me things straight ... as before. You were always too slow to grasp things ... as a real turtle, and is not understand when you said you were right about this day was a stupid ... paper and pencils do not need to talkar, Kame ... You are the most mature ... then prove it.

reread the paragraph again ..
It felt like ... As ... no ... there was no word to describe how he felt. Perhaps, as a young child to approach. I was angry with himself, with Jin, Ueda and Nakamaru to have had the idea of the daily ...
felt pathetic ... Jin had a point ... was excited by the idea of children being able to recreate something they did by day .... aswere children. But, if he wished to speak in front of Jin, because he was not who I look? "... Looking you to take courage from somewhere, and you can come talk to me and tell me things straight ... "How unfair Jin had become over time ...

tore a sheet of newspaper and put it in his locker again. He took a pen and wrote: "Sorry Maru, an issue I came and I had to go. Kame "And he left the note on the bag of his friend.
left the building with a fixed idea. He hailed a taxi and gave the direction of lJin's house.

The door opened to reveal a Akanishi with a face of consternation very own who sees a ghost.
Without waiting for invitation, Kame came, as you need it. And went straight to the boy's room. Touring the house felt that there was nobody. Jin
closed the door behind him to enter his room.

- What are you doing here? - Asked stunned.
- What do you think? I come to speak in front of you! Akanishi

put his hands on his hips and rolled her eyes.

- Why nor you can be a normal person? ... Why are you so hard to think things out before acting?
- That's you ... always you who never thought things out before acting ... and always shit on the feelings of others ... always selfish, you never detubíste to think of others. You never stops to think about me.
- You think so?
- No, ... that's for sure. Jin

pushed. Not a friendly nudge, or playful. One truth.
Kame frowned. The other did not seem angry ... ten & iacutee; a poker face ...
The greatest closer again, and was going to say something, but Jin stopped him making it to push harder. That had hurt himself.
- Just Bakanishi!

response, push again, slammed into the wall.

- What are you doing?!

Jin went to Ely dealt a blow to the wall, winged Kame's left ear. He opened his eyes. I was not scared, I knew that Jin would never hand him over, but, she started getting nervIOSO.
perhaps separate from the wall, but with a new push, more sharply than the others, turned to corner him against it.

- Jin Stop!

The aforementioned came very close to him, he could feel his breath against her lips ... but did not move.

- What do you ?...- snapped with his heart in his mouth.
- What reactions. - Separating said, but looked in his mouth with his eyes closed.
- What ... you react? Akanishi

took the neck without exerting pressure & amp; oacute n, while closing the hand completely.

- React.

Then Kame felt it, that fire that had kept in his stomach, that hatred stabbing, sharp pain of that "Razor" ... everything suddenly rushed on his chest, leaving him barely breathing. Jin looked straight in the eye ... and even he could see the fire in his eyes. He released his neck, but not away.
Kame gave a little groan from deep in his throat, and Jin smiled, his smile side ... the sarcásica.
And finally understood ... the feeling of anger... reaction. He closed his eyes for a moment, and when opened, accompanied by a sly smile, like Jin, closed the gap between them devour the boy's lips.
releasing a breath, let him understand that Kame had been slow to grasp the message, embraced him at the waist to hold him. Then, Kame tangled his legs in the hip Jin, and where he leaned against the wall.
not had time to breathe, no time to stop and talk, or to rest their lips ... should resume long lost ... should remember c ó mo was when the two did not care, nothing more than them.

- I do not understand ... Today even laughed at a joke I was telling ...- Taguchi Koki Nakamaru road to home, which is nearby.
- Well ... better that way, right? It was getting really annoying the constant bickering.
- Yeah, well ... but it was fun ...
- I say it is better and Koki ...

- Nee ... Kame, want to go jogging for a while? - Jin said.
Kame, who was walking next to Ueda and Junno looked.
- A jog?
- Yes,to know, a. .. burn calories. Ueda

struck his forehead with his hand.
- For God's sake ... we start ...
- Kame! See? You're so slow to grasp things, until you understand Uebo faster!
- But ... I'm supposed to understand? - said, raising his eyebrows.
- Best ...- we're dragging Junno Ueda said the T-shirt, before Jin break his mental health.
- I do not understand, I attempted to say?
- Come, I'll tell you in here.
- But ... there does not say "Love Hotel"?
- Ya ... and ... Log in and shut ...


Puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuf! I know that I will adeco ... THAT CRAP IS THIS? xD
started mellow, followed dramatic and comic ended ... and that is to write Akame ... can not miss the inoscencia (?) of Kame and Jin's endless attempts to turn around xD.
was ... what is said ... a mental kidding! what came out xD

Those who have read something from ° Hundred Maber ending in a Cabaret ° will know I love to do the relationship of Akame so ...

awkward xD Anyway ... voi me going, my sister wants the pc.



LXC or die> 8D

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Xcenical Side Effects [FanFic] ° Old Moon 8 ° CAP PART 2

Title: Old Moon
Chapter Title: Beginn
(The Beginning)
Couples: Jin & Yabu

Romance, drama, science fiction, angst
Cap Rating: PG-13

Summary: Yabu
believes he is living a dream that can very quickly become a nightmare. An unseen in Jin keeps him tied to it.
Note (s) of Author:
yeah, yeah, I know, odd couple, right?
xD Disclaimer:
NoI own none of the EB.

Old Moon

CAP 8: Beginn (The Beginning) Part 2

- Restrictions ? - asked confused .- I do not understand what you mean ... a place ... What limits can be set?

Jin chuckled.

- You'd be surprised ...

"No more mystery Jin" Yabu thought, knowing he would listen tosomehow.
"" Okay. "The biggest sigh

filling the air of fatigue.

- First of all, I will not say "Sorry about last night.

If that wanted to achieve a tense atmosphere ... had succeeded. What kind of statement is that?

- I warned you quite some Yabu ... I told you that you ought to be near me, it was bad.
"You're not bad. - Interrupted him. Akanishi

arched his eyebrows surprised at the tone he had used the utmost conviction andl boy.

- How can you ...? What makes you sure of what you assert? - Asked taking her hand harder.
- I know ... I am here, I winged you, my heart tells me to run .- said quietly looking the other way.
- Maybe your heart is a sadist ... - Jin joked.
- Very funny ... - Turned to look at it with a straight face .- We said enough of mystery ... So, I hear.

In response, the more stretched his free arm and covered the whole picture in a sweeping motion.

- The Eden for peoplewho can not love.

Yabu quickly assimilate the words, and when did Jin continued.

- I'm going to explain ... - Said wearily as he began to descend to the soft grass, and made the child sit down.

"We, the Angels have many virtues and many faults ... nothing can be completely white or completely black. We have an amazing ability to make people happy, normal, and we do not harass the gross human body needs a simple ... We are in perfect balance all the time. In addition to the many gifts that we possess.
But having all this power within us makes us almost des Drinkingembroider. We are sent to do good and work well not only because we have the ability to do so ... is also for our own good. An angel can not not use his powers ... explode! But that's not the bad part of us ... is just the nature of our race. "

- Can you think, Yabu, what is the most powerful feeling about this world?

The question took him by surprise because it was highly concentrated, hoping not to miss a single detail.

- Ah ... well ... Well, many say they love. No?
- Have you ever been in love? - Maintaining asked seriously.
- A-ah! I ... I ... s noté ... - Do not lie ... I did not. Was it love she felt for Jin?
- Love is no doubt - said removing it from their thoughts .- the most powerful feeling and depth that exists. Anyone convince you otherwise.

The tone he used for that one epiphany made her body tremble.

"Love is a blessing ... comes with time, sometimes it takes years to reach some people. But when it does, it displays a power so strong, so electrifying, it is even difficult to breathe. For us, drinks on the verge of overflowing, a mild dose of that blessing usbecomes a river of unimaginable power ... "Jin

lowered his head, remembering something.

- Once I fell in love .- murmured.

Yabu got more attention even if that was possible.

- once experienced that power ... that infinite power.

"Her name was Diana. She was an angel, like me. We both knew that if he was born that feeling between them, could become even dangerous, but we did not care. Nor do we care that was forbidden, it was a kind of taboo. Although siéndote frankly, of anyno way we could have avoided.
I do not know if you do, but the greatest moment of display of affection between two people is in the sexual act, and the day that I and Diana wanted to take that step, we discovered why it was forbidden ... "

Yabu said nothing, did not blink, or move a finger, or breath.

- Diana was not lucky that Yamapi appeared just in time. - He fixed his eyes on the child and slightly narrowed eyelids.

"When my heart feels this sense of attraction ... carnal, it blows my mind ... and act on pure instinct, bestial and degrading. Lestole from Diana's life, I devoured his strength until the last drop, my body is not quenched until his eyes lost their brightness, until his voice fell into a hellish echo with me since then. .. Diana could not have done anything even if he had the chance. And I was not aware of what he was doing until I regained consciousness, and around me was a group of angels holding her body. "Yabu

felt dizzy as much information.

- She ... it ... Angels can die?
- Only an angel can kill another angel, but can dieIn many ways, not only so. Yabu

Off noticed the tone of the voice of youth, and noted that her eyes were lost elsewhere.

- continues.

"So there I was banished for killing an innocent angel, and have committed taboo ... And while the angels walked regularly by the human world, I can assure you is a torture to be among you. "

The child did not escape the derogatory way of referring to Ely friends. Nor failed to receive carefree sepulchral tone with which he kept talking about theirpast.

"Humans are ... unbearably attractive to our eyes ... never understand, but do not compare to anything I've seen before. You should also know that the only reason why the Angels can get to give the death penalty is when you kill a human ... it is simply anti-natural ... We are here to make them happy, caring, death caused by one of us is completely and absolutely unforgivable ... and yet ... awaken our more chaotic feeling ... love. "Kota

noted that although the voice sounded Jin made and broken ... your eyes do not cry, Even more so, the sky began to weep.

"So, I am condemned to live in your world, and having to experience thirst diaa day that their bodies provoke me, and not get close enough ...
But I decided I should try to live ... the funny thing is that when one is exiled to the human world (and I'm not the first case) the powers and virtues disappear, and only you live with your thirst, and your instincts ... is set to suffer, after all. But I kept a lot of them ... and certain people are more intensified. As you ... you are the person who manages allmy powers are deployed to the act ... eh noticed that when you're near me all they suddenly wake up. Often managed to stun me, because they appeared suddenly, and even had to concentrate on not deploy all suddenly, and was still away, because my DNA activated uncontrollably! "That explained

concentration on their faces, and why he left the room muttering things slowly. And although not quite understand why that Yabu glad to ... felt, then, was special for Jin somehow.

"Willing to performa "normal life" was how I got the company ... honestly, is fun ... because I did not feel tired or fatigued, so it's not hard work for me ... But what if I get tired was the effort he made to not lose consciousness y. .. "Be good." When you live among angels, unconsciously, we self-energy we ... and live in balance. Here there was no angel with me, in fact, is not seen none since I left. So my thirst grew with the days ... and I thought the day would notcould get out of bed ...
But in my days of hard training to coexist with humans, Yamapi became a close friend of mine. Was favorable for me to have a good friend, and practiced more, but I must say that Pi does not have a single fool ... immediately noticed that something was wrong. Yamapi is another person who displays my powers ... not like you, he does it in a much lower level. And it is a person who was very attracted to me, so it was hard when it occurred to him to stay overnight at my house without consult me ... often ended up sleeping in the living room. & Amp; quot;

- Your ... sleep? - asked somewhat puzzled.
- Sure I sleep! - Exclaimed surprised by the question .- What do you think? What am I a vampire? Of course I sleep! Both in your world like mine.
- Oh ... I'm sorry. Follows.

"said ... Yamapi realized that something was wrong with me ... were many obvious things when I paid attention. Besides Ela sometimes felt strange things in my presence. "

- Strange things?
- When I concentrated, sometimes it reached my powers ... andexperienced periods of great happiness, or welfare. And you'd be surprised how smart is this guy!

"One night, swearing they would not leave until he confessed that he was going, I confessed it was ... and I trusted him and I called him a fool he might happen, but ... believed it all without problems, and said it would help me in everything he could. And that's when we started, "my domestication" as he called it. "

Yabu shook his head blankly. "I poníaa

test, coming over to me and felt different cosas. Caress me, kiss me, and so on.

The boy choked on his own saliva to hear that ... and such a way that made it very clear that all that Jin seemed as normal over the world.

- What? Why look at me like that?
- Sorry, but ... I'm not used a. .. a. .. good to know so much ... leave it, still ...

"Anyway, it worked in some way. Although, I will tell you that Yamapi never understood the danger he faced every time he put into play my self ... may have died many times and I with & eacute, l, but did not stop to make sure he knew what he was doing, and that nothing would go wrong ... and to be honest, I think it worked because it made me believe in his words. I confess that I did not mean losing their friendship ... Yamapi is one so momentous in my life, which at that time, if you ever wondered what I would do if the worst happened, the only thing that comforted me was knowing that if he died a. .. I would follow immediately. "

The child looked at him tenderly on his face really worried ...

"Thank God nothing happened, and not only that, but quand discover a way I have not walked through the halls of the JE. zombie-faced ...
When I finally managed to be very close to Pi without losing your sanity, we found that could feed Ely have a limit ... I could stop and let him live, and be fairly satisfied. So from that time could spend more time with my band mates, without having to worry too much.
One day, however, I inadvertently exceeded with Yamapi ... semi had lost his composure, and I could stop because he managed to slap Pi ... still did not know how, because when I had whatfelt when I ate, was not at all a pleasant sensation, and continues to amaze me the level of concentration.
He was hospitalized, and of course, the test results were it was fatigue, restlessness, and poor feeding. Which was taken as a nonsense, because we all were sleeping and eating, even more than usual. And they could not blame him ... he was eating for two, as I pulled more than half of what they ate in energy, and left him very exhausted, so those days are falling asleep everywhere. .. besides it was ma, S thin. So everyone thought had become bulimic or something ... "

- Yamapi is incredible. - Yabu said .- It has a big heart ...
- Grande? It's the most wonderful person I will never know ... I owe a lot.

"In the period in which Pi tube to stay in the hospital, KAT-TUN debuted, and I began to spend much more time with Kame, and also photo shoots and almost everything we did, we did together. And I discovered that he too was special. Awakened my powers to the same extent as Yamapi, and sated the same kind of attraction. Kame took longer to notice that I take my ... particularities. But he finally did, and again began to rain questions. This time teníaa Yamapi to me, and it was he who decided that Kame also had to know. Later, he told me what his real purpose with Kame, very bright indeed. His idea was that when I was hungry, would be easier to foresee that nothing went wrong if they were two ... and took turns to monitor, and not so tired. And only in accordance with the minimum I could live almost normally all these a & ntilde; years. Both kept my secret, have not said anything, although, for example, the rest of the NewS began to notice strange things too, and Yamapi was responsible for covering. The same with my colleagues ... because, even with all the training, and moderately fed, sometimes could not stand human company ... or just the Kame and Pi ... how was I was after that day. However
... when you were growing up, I started to feel much more my powers, and with them made me more sensitive, perfumes smell better people, their bodies looked better, felt ma , s co contactNo skin ... and my thirst grew so much that even I had to stop seeing Kame and Pi ... Clearly, I did not know it was for you ... I discovered this recently ... I
time alone would help me, so I went to America for a few months. (N / A: ajajaja, like a glove xD) and nobody understood why ... I won several discussions with Koki's why ... "Yabu

remember that time and now that I thought about it, during which time he had been extremely miserable, and he knew why.

"Anyway ... I could not stay long in the U.S. without my source of food ... and has begunba to feel too low self-control, so I went back to Japan. And I found that I felt better, again fully able to keep my powers under control, the solitude I had done well. Although it did not last long ... a month ago ... a normal day, I noticed you ... I found that you've grown a lot, and that you had become menacingly attractive. "Yabu

felt his face turn red and hot.

"And I realized you were special when I started to feel your moods ... You see, not a gift quand have all the angels ... and I could feel the mood of the other angels, only one ... Diana's ... "

was so stunning that fell off the bed completely dizzy. When she managed to kneel on the floor with his hands on him, threw all the splashing hard wood floor in your room.
His face was framed in a cold sweat that seemed to him ridiculous. When he managed to focus one eye to see its bright wall clock, could not believe it. He blinked several times and looked again ... ho had slept 16single row.

Basta! up here!
god ... is extremely long in comparison with others
xD qe is that there was much

count = P I hope not very unwell!
and please! comentenme to see qe les parecio! Qe
because I qedo ultra baker, i something flasher, as it qiero i think!



hope you enjoy it!

Bai bai!

Coment or die> 8D