Thursday, May 21, 2009

Westerly Sailing Boats [Oneshot] KAT-TUN on MSN

Title: KAT-TUN on MSN
Fandom: KAT-TUN
Couples groups.
Gender: comedy.
Fanfiction Rating: NC-13 .
Summary: KAT-TU is located in the Msn.
Note (s) of Author: Well ... not very good as it was born ... I think I just was dying of boredom in class, and well, why not make a Oneshot the Tunes? And here it is! A conversation via MSN = P

on MSN

_Kizuna_ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ has started a group conversation. KAME
: Hey guys! Unbelievable that they are connected. What a great time to chat together!
JIN: this is stupid, we have what?
KAME: yes, we have, we will help bring better.
JIN: agree, finish this u.ú. I Akanishi Jin, I like listening to music, hanging out with my friends and annoy Nakamaru. Ok, that's it. CHT
MLXC KOKI: we were chatting, that show? xD What did you do today?
JIN: shut Koki.
KOKI: want to hit you again?
JIN: and wanted to touch me.
KAME: I do not think they understand my point for the talk ...
UEDA: Hello! Chati strange that group. Whose idea was it?
JIN: Kame.
KOKI: Kame
KAME: Taguchi was also ! Junn
: not true!
KAME: and, well ...
UEDA: do not think a chatgroup to help us.
KOKI: Uebo so what? Just write and now.
UEDA: like you 8-) I
KOKI: great!
UEDA: today I went to Osaka with Nakamaru, and bought winter accessories.
KAME: with Nakamaru?
UEDA: itself.
JIN: winter?
UEDA: yes
KOKI: but if it is spring!
UEDA: is that next week we are going to visit relatives Maru which are in the north ... and there is cold now.
KAME: of Nakamaru?
UEDA: yes
JIN: north?
UEDA: yes
Junn: let boo.
KOKI: by the way, where is Yucci?
JIN: I can not find, or is avoiding me. Junn
: you are avoiding.
UEDA: you are avoiding.
KAME: you avoid.
KOKI: sip.
JIN: oe!
UEDA: busy.
JIN: doing ...? UEDA
: 8-)
KOKI: Bakanishi do you care? CHT MLXC JIN:
hey, Koki, want to return to Pinky? KOKI:
for? So that after chase me around with a wig in his hand? JIN:
hahaha, I was veeeeery well! xD KAME: ahem ...
what about turtle? KAME:
we were talking about something else ... UEDA:
and told her that I went to Osaka with Nakamaru. KOKI:
with Nakamaru? UEDA:
itself. JIN:
to Osaka? UEDA:
enough! ¬ ¬ Junn:
well, yesterday I saw with NishiKido-san. KOKI:
Taguchi nobody cares. JIN:
no, no, no, wait, with Ryo? Junn :
itself. JIN:
with Nishikido Ryo? Junn :
uh, yeah. JIN:
our Nishikido Ryo? KAME:
know another Nishikido Ryo? ¬ ¬ Junn:
yes, the NEWS and Kanjani8, Nishikido Ryo that. JIN:
seriously? KOKI:
are so heavy ... Bakanishi JIN:
Mr. Bakanishi for you. But Bido account, what did? Junn :
oh! ♥ I was with é l other Kanjani to karaoke. KOKI:
what?! KAME:
how? JIN:
can not be! UEDA: I'm surprised
why they so surprised? JIN:
expected, how Kanjanis? Junn :
eh ... Shibutani-san, and Ohkura-san. KAME:
oh, my god. KOKI:
and you what did you do there? Junn :
they invited me. JIN:
and, really, what were you doing there? Junn :
is the truth! Nishikidoo-san called me and told me if I wanted to go. JIN:
okay, which one of all? Junn :
which of all what? KOKI:
not play dumb Taguchi! With which of you slept? Obviously not call you to tell jokes! KAME:
I think we are diverting the conversation ... UEDA:
expected Came, I also want to know! KAME:
too? o_o JIN: Bido
well? Junn :-_-uuuu
Now Say! Junn :
Ryo ... KOKI:
oooooh! UEDA:
impressive Junno. KAME:
someone I remove the mental image! > - \u0026lt; JIN:
I'll pull you want. KAME: ¬ ¬
Jin JIN:
already, but I do not understand ... KAME:
do not you understand? JIN:
have any idea how many times I tried to bind me to Ryo? And how many achieve them? ... 0. Not even drunk! KOKI:
jajaja, ch ♦ ♦ Tagushi must arla better than you! ... In fact ... yes! xD Junn: CHKoki TMLXC! = $
KAME: that rare, Ryo is not hard to ...
JIN: ¬ ¬ what?
KAME: of anything!
KOKI: Oh, by the way, the paper that he just bought the sheets, who went to buy it?
KAME: sent it to buy from Jin. KOKI
: and you could not buy a more expensive Bakanishi? It has only 50 pages!
JIN: Eh! I got 3.50! And I do not usually spend money on books ...: S
UEDA: I'll buy next, okay?
KAME: thanks. C
HTMLXC JIN: well, now what do we do?
KOKI: Kame ~ want to get a drink?
KAME: mmm ... I wanted to study a little the script ...
KOKI: I say yes and now. At 8 in the season.
KAME: yes-_-
JIN: I'm going to look Nakamaru ~
UEDA: I have to go to record. Junn
: just received another call from Nishikido-san, so I'm going too. KAME
: 0_0
KOKI: another score for Taguchi! Bidó 2 - Miroku 0
JIN: shut up bum! Either way I'll be busy with Yucci.
KOKI: Yucci not tell!
JIN: I say as I want!
UEDA: not going to be able to find.
JIN: eh? Why?
UEDA: because it is hidden a place where you never leave.
KOKI: well, that rules out police stations, hospitals, Roppongi, and xD Pi house
KAME: should look at the library in the science museum.
JIN: I feel that I insulted ...
UEDA: rather prescient. Junn
: Shibutani-san just touching timbre, bye guys!
KOKI: Goodbye Use condoms!
UEDA: fun Junno.
KAME: not take much.
JIN: ... bastard son of a bitch-_- [
* Ore wa Saigo! * has disconnected]
UEDA: Well, I should go.
KAME: hai, ganbatte!
KOKI: Uebo goodbye!
JIN: (k) [
I ♥ Gackt! was disconnected]
JIN: where they think is Nakamaru?
KOKI: I do not think say anything.
JIN: Kame?
KAME: I know! May be in the house ...
Massu JIN: oh! The chubby! How did not I think? Thanks! Remember then reward turtle! I'm going there! Goodbye! [
You are my Pinky ° ° was disconnected]
KAME: not even let us say hello!
KOKI: great Kame ... Yucci precisely is what Massu.
KAME: serious? = 0
KOKI: yes
KAME: oh, gomen.
KOKI: well, my hermanito want the pc, so I'm going.
KAME: agree.
KOKI: 8 hours at the station, do not forget.
KAME: not forgotten.
KOKI: good turtle.
KAME: Tortuga stop me! [
. JOKER has disconnected] [
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ _Kizuna_ has disconnected]

god! mega colorful! putting the colors kill me-_-

I hope you like it!

Coment or die> 8D


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